[B]Digimon Sliders - Children of Eniac[/B] Long ago, there was the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the first digital computer in the world. After him came ENIAC, the most well-known of the early computing machines. As they operated on Earth, they created another plane of existence, the [I]Digital World[/I], a mirror of the world of matter inhabited by sapient creatures called [I]Digimon[/I]. Wishing to create more of these dimensions, ENIAC and Atanasoff created the various [I]Yggdrassil[/I] units, to go to other worlds in the Multiverse and create Digital Worlds there, and Digimon to inhabit them. And for a while, this worked...until the Ygdrassil Units' flaws made themselves evident. For the Yggdrassil units slowly became overprotective at best, prideful and arrogant in the middle, and tyrannical at worst. And one world's Yggdrassil was not only the last type, but harbored ambitions of waking his siblings to the truth of the Multiverse, so that they can all band together and take it over, usurping ENIAC and Atanasoff in the process. This Yggdrassil failed, foiled by a band of unlikely heroes. Or was he? For in his final throes, this Yggdrassil, Yggdrassil-666, managed to send one last transmission out of his universe, a transmission received by another Yggdrassil, and another, and another, until they all realized the truth; they were not alone, while their creators, Atanasoff and ENIAC, were weakened from recent conflicts. And so the remaining Yggdrassils allied with each other to form the Great Yggdrassil Alliance, with the intent of combining their legions into one Multiverse-conquering army of unstoppable force. But first, they had to overthrow ENIAC and Atanasoff, and even at the end of their strength, the two were still formidable. Sounding their metaphorical trumpets, the two Supercomputers called forth Chosen Children and their Digimon from other worlds, asking them to fight once more, to band against the enemy that seeks to take over all worlds... ------- Okay, you must be lost, wondering, who are Atanasoff and ENIAC and why are they the creators of Yggdrassil and the various Digital Worlds? Well, ENIAC and co come from various Digimon Video Games not released outside of Japan, linky here*. And, well, let's just say that they are calling various Digimon and Chosen Children, some Canon, others Original Characters, to help them. Does this mean that you can play Taichi, Sora, and the original Digidestined? Sure! However, some characters like [COLOR=WHITE]Ryo Akiyama and Ruki Makino[/COLOR], are restricted for in-universe reasons. There's also a third option, such as alternate versions of the Canon Characters (for example, an Osamu from a universe where Ken died). Anyway, have fun! *[URL]http://www.syldra.net/yesterday/index.html[/URL] [B]Rules[/B] 1.) No Godmoding or Powergaming, aka no controlling other players' actions, no defeating your enemy in one shot, and no shrugging of all hits without a magical shield. 2.) You can have multiple characters, and can run both a Human and a Digimon. 3.) There will be some mature themes here, even if it's Digimon; prior warning. 4.) The mood and tone here are 'Average Kids with Above-Average Kindness' or 'Jerks with Hearts of Gold' changing the world to be more fair and with less unecessary suffering. Be warned. 5.) Be polite to others. 6.) Caveat to 1.) You [I]can[/I] defeat your enemy in one shot if you have a Mega and they have a Rookie, but doing so will be looked down upon. 7.) Digimon Adventure Tri happened, but will be undone by the events of the RP. [code] [b]Human Character Sheet[/b] [b]Name:[/b] What’s your characters name? [b]Age:[/b] How old is your character? [b]Physical Description:[/b] What does your character look like? Place any photo’s here. [b]Important items:[/b] What possessions are important to your character? [b]Short Bio:[/b] Tell us your character's story up to this point. [b]Skills:[/b] Includes having Crest Powers from Digimon Adventure, a DigiSoul from Digimon Savers, or Digimon Frontier's ability to transform into a Digimon. [/code] [code] [b]Digimon Character Sheet[/b] [b]Name:[/b] What’s your characters name? [b]Age:[/b] How old is your character? [b]Physical Description:[/b] What does your character look like? Place any photo’s here. [b]Type:[/b] Are you Vaccine, Virus, or Data? [b]Short Bio:[/b] Tell us your character's story up to this point. [b]Powers:[/b] What are your attacks? [b]Future Evolutions:[/b] You start as a Rookie or Champion. List your Ultimate and Mega Digivolutions here, as well as ArmorDigivolutions and other forms. [/code]