Kirigina smiled back, meeting his beaming and his extended hand with a nervous chuckle and a timid, brief wrap of her fingers around his. [color=d68a59]"Tanya Kirigina, good day to you."[/color] Her laughter continued as he made to explain himself, and she raised a palm to wave down his apology. [color=d68a59]"Faux pas? Ne, I belong here more than in a magic school but I am told Arkus is quite equipped to teach wrench witches too."[/color] Briefly her mind wandered back to the observation deck and the brief time she'd spent on theirs. Noisy, crowded, but in all the wrong ways. Aside from the voices there was only the sensation of helplessly sliding through the air. She shivered, despite heavy garb and the sweltering engine heat of the compartment. Her arm crooked to carry her wrench clutched tighter at her shoulder. For that, the artificer was quite happy to distract herself with indulging curiosity. [color=d68a59]"It is the logo of where I used to... still do? Work. A shipyard, we build airships some times, fix them most of the time."[/color] Kirigina paused in thought. The meaning of that symbol?... Well, it was known more or less to everyone who wore it, but in that general, vague, passed down way of things. To sum it up off the cuff, it felt wrong to chance perverting and diminishing the thought that originally went into the simplified crest they took for granted when they put their hats on. [color=d68a59]"Well... It's supposed to be the people's fist, first raised in revolution and now, uh, grasping the machinery of the future. The Olyagovsk-Foevch plant was one of the first to go up, so back then,"[/color] And still today though it sounded too confrontational to her to put it like that, [color=d68a59]"It was still like they were taking back what they'd been denied. Oh, suppose I should say first it is a shipyard of Verholt. I have never left before, it is strange to be the foreigner."[/color] Even for someone who spent all of their days locked in a ventilated steel tower. She shuffled her wrench in her grasp, sort of holding it up after Kress had called attention to it. [color=d68a59]"And thankee, every ship tech in Verholt carries one of these. The symbol is nice but as you say this is what really makes a technician look the part. At least home, [i]here[/i] the tools are all different, it's very interesting."[/color] Something slightly tugged at her attention. The name he'd given sounded familiar in very, very distant way. Alstein. Was that a common name in Cresia or something? That'd be a little rude to ask, plenty of people were sensitive about their names after all. [color=d68a59]"Is that answer sufficient-"[/color] For an instant she hesitating, tossing her word around in her head as her country's mannerisms suddenly felt a little conspicuous. [color=d68a59]"-Kress?"[/color] Just sputtering a name out alone. This was a wild and free place.