I'm finally stable enough in my life that I can redo this RP. Without further delay here is Pokemon Tamers. Insp: Digimon Tamers X Pokemon Adventures Style: Animorphs, Grimm Setting: Seattle, WA Premise: You live in a world where the word Pokemon doesn't exist. Sure Nintendo is around, but they're known for Mario and other things, but no games, anime, movies, or merch about pocket monsters. So when you encounter a creature that you can only describe as being a living breathing science-fiction fantasy creature your surprise and shock are to be expected. One way or the other, you bond and tame it, and soon enough it's pet, but more like a partner or teammate if you're being honest. The story however only starts there. Plot: Your story will follow you and your fellow tamers in trying to keep the peace when rouge, wild, and often very dangerous Pokemon start causing some real chaos to an unknowing public. You and a handful of others are based in Seattle and it's neighboring areas. You all belong to an organization called the PUNC, the "Pokemon Underground Network & Community", an actual secret organization with hands in pockets, and influences all over world, with members all strategically placed in valuable locations. You and your peers are among a handful and growing minority of people who are aware of the existence of Pokemon. In some capacity or other you are a member of this team and help in suppressing the dangers that Pokemon place, and helping others who play their own part. You are privy to your own goals and reasons why you're an active and helping member. How you play your part, and how you influence the world in which may someday be filled with real-life Pokemon is up to you. Whatever your long term goal and long term effects may be the day to day is all about keeping the world of Pokemon a secret and safe from itself and from humanity. Format: [hider]The story as stated prior will be a day to day action/comedy/drama type of story with a Monster of the Week format. The A-Plot involve the actual monster of the week fighting which will involve a Pokemon appearing in the wild, this is called "Glitching" or an existing Pokemon in hiding going rogue. Pokemon encounters will begin with a Pokemon glitching in and out of the real world, appearing as crying orbs of light and color with static electricity one moment the next an actual living, breathing, creature. If they are glitching they may simply disappear on their own, but in most cases, they must be engaged in combat, whereupon fainting will make them glitch out faster. Once permanence sets in they can't glitch out anymore which then requires either full termination, which no one wants to do or a way to keep the Pokemon safe and tame. The B-Plot will be you, and your Pokemon's daily life and what the life of a Pokemon tamer is really like. The B-Plot will also involve the comedy, drama, shenanigans, and dangers of what it means to take care of a real life Pokemon with actual animal needs such as feeding, bathing, enrichment, etc. At the beginning of the story, encounters will be limited to one-off Pokemon causing chaos, but as the story progresses I will introduce the element of Pokemon encounters affecting the space of the world as well, aka reality getting somewhat distorted to cater the needs of the story, and the Pokemon of the week. At the start of the story, you have already encountered and tamed your first Pokemon, and have already established some sort of relationship. You have also been integrated into the PUNC and as of now, you are an active member helping their cause. You are expected to be combat ready, but your duties are not limited to because a secret organization is always in need of talented and willing people. Mind you they don't always need people who are ready to be master combatants, sometimes they need someone and will employ someone who simply owns a truck or a boat for moving large hordes of pokemon, maybe even a large open and secluded area in which they can house a number of pokemon, someone who is really good at discovering what pokemon like to eat, and maybe scientist who are able to study the behavior and biology of the pokemon. The RP will be episodic in nature. The premise of each episode will be provided, such as the setting, and Pokemon that can be encountered, etc. I will write up episodes, depending on the number of players two episodes can be happening at the same time, and much a like a TV show we will go through seasons with overarching arcs. So plan accordingly for your character. [/hider] PUNC: [hider] They are a vast underground collective network of people located around the world. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, but according to rumors they came before the first Pokemon appeared For years they have remained in secret dedicating what they can to the protection, detection, study, rehabilitation, and integration of Pokemon in the human world. PUNC is a bonafide secret organization that has a network of people, individuals, groups, and organizations like a giant spiderweb. They live in backroom channels in the deep underbelly of all things secret, communicating only through the most private of all private networks and means. They use written letters, graffiti code, and any trusted form of communication to share the information they gather to plan for the unknown. Using their own intelligence networks and the talents of pokemon and their trainers they gather and build resources to build the organization stronger and better with the sole purpose of protecting pokemon from themselves, each other, and a world not quite ready for these powerful creatures. No one is quite sure how big the network is, as each member is privy to the information that only they know, and what is trusted to them. Within the network, members fulfill various roles, each valued in their own way. Per region, there are a select few with the resources and means are tasked with the safekeeping and collecting of pokemon in private, secure, and viable habitats where individual and groups of pokemon can live and adjust to their new world. There are scientist and researchers studying the biology, behavior, materials, and phenomena that are the pokemon. From networking, agriculture, architecture, financial acumen, etc. whatever resource and skill a person can contribute the network will tap into it. Most members, however, are simply pokemon owners, they are the silent majority of the PUNC, individuals who don't contribute their day to day actions for the PUNC's cause, and are only asked upon to help when needed. They are what most members are when they start, but later become more active and informed members of PUNC when they decide to answer the call, those who do answer the call are the trainers. At the very foundation of these networks are the trainers. Your character is a trainer. They are the backbone and beginning of the Pokemon Underground Network Collective. They are individuals who are firsthand witnesses and partners to pokemon themselves. Their basic duties include the housing, nourishment, maintenance, and training of their own pokemon in their day today. They are also tasked to do battle, to function as joint animal control and police. They are tasked with the identification, capture, and pacifying rouge, wild, and destructive pokemon. Trainers are also often tasked, depending on their skills, desires, and temperament handle other pokemon that they are not partnered with. On occasion, they assist the silent majority members of the PUNC when dealing with a pokemon related issue. Your trainer is also occasionally tasked with keeping watch of other wild pokemon but do not pose a threat to society, ranging from individual pokemon who keep to a specific environment or wild and peaceful pokemon who need an occasional visit. Your character started as one of the silent majority, they discovered their pokemon and through some back channels, whispers, rumors, or happenstance you were found and contacted by PUNC. At first, you were content with simply being a silent member, but through your own and PUNC's desires, you have become a trainer. In exchange for your services you will be compensated and given certain benefits, maybe a location for you and your partner, money for your troubles, but one way or the other they will help you in some way to make sure you can provide for your pokemon and help PUNC's cause. You don't quite know where you are in their ranks, but you are very keenly aware they're watching and helping you, and that there even bigger things to come. [/hider] Pokemon: [hider]The Pokemon in this RP will basically be real animals, ergo they will need to be fed, eat, and bathe. They will act on instincts and behave as an animal either trained, wild, or rabbit. They may also get hurt and die as is the nature of the animal world. Granted we won't be killing Pokemon for pure shock value effect, but it should be mentioned anyway as it can or will be a possibility if you let your character encounter such an event. Pokemon's flavor text/descriptions, height, and weight, etc. is more literal and in full effect (albeit with some room for suspension of disbelief). For example, if it says your Pokemon can melt steel beams because of its fire then it can melt steel beams but is also able to regulate it's temperature so they can be nearby people. Be mindful of how that interacts with real-life physics and rules. There won't be any Pokemon levels, but be mindful of how strong they are and how they behave. Special circumstance evolution such as trading, stones, locations, etc. will be discussed on a case by case basis. All pokemon should behave as they are expected to behave, no quite human, but also not quite animal. Naturally no talking pokemon. Pokemon will only be able to communicate through body language, simple gestures, and other acceptable forms of non-human language specific communication and As for psychic, ghosts, and other special case pokemons they will be discussed individually, You are allowed to use or have your Pokemon perform any moves that they can learn naturally by level. For the sake of the CS you will list 4, that they already know and use in practice and the others in reserve. Any moves in the breeding, move tutor, and tm/hm category are to be discussed prior to being used. Moves are going to be treated in the same way as the anime, in that there won't be a number limit to them, and will require training and mastery occasionally for the mon to perform it successfully. Be mindful of how said moves interact with real-world physics and structures as well.[/hider] Story Rules: Small group, a maximum of 8 players (including me). All characters must be adults, and I don't mean college students. I mean someone with a life of their own the have jobs, families, romantic life, etc. You are to start with one (1) Pokemon with a relatively stable relationship and battle experience. Acquiring new pokemon will be done in the story or in an aside once approved. The Pokemon you start with should at least be in it's earliest/infant stage. This can, however, be negotiated. I encourage having a type specialty or dual type specialty, but not required. Pokemon up to generation 7 is allowed, but NO LEGENDARY, MYTHICAL, EVENT EXCLUSIVE POKEMON ALLOWED (This includes Meltan and Melmetal, and any Pokemon released in the future in the interim). Pokemon Combat functions like how it is portrayed in the anime and manga No Z-Moves, or Mega-Evolutions allowed. There won't be any Pokedexes or any other Pokemon related items allowed, at least for now. There won't be any Pokeballs yet but will be in play later on. This means that your characters must have a reasonable method to keep their Pokemon whilst a Pokeball isn't available yet. If you have any question please feel free to ask. I have thoroughly gone through this story's world, and the bigger plot points, as well as the overarching plot, have been written down