[center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/11FBIlt0RKNSko/giphy.gif[/img] [color=e74c3c][h1] Roy Kusayanagi [/h1][/color][/center] Roy's eyes stayed deadpan after hearing the lies that were being spurted by Mia, if it wasn't for the week that he had had perhaps she would have gotten the reaction she wanted from him. [color=e74c3c]"Be honest was that truthfully what had happened between us when we met?"[/color] Roy dramatically cleared his throat, [sub][i][color=e74c3c]You were the one whispering in my ear things you probably wouldn't say right now in front of everyone[/color][/i][/sub] The blonde then turned to Kenichi who was just walking in, a calm smile appeared on his face as he asked if he was okay. It was pretty nice to know that a few people took his side and sympathized with him, Kenichi being one of them. [color=e74c3c]"Yeah"[/color] Roy nodded to the boy, [color=e74c3c]"I appreciate what you said back there in the gym, i'm sorry you had to see that"[/color] he said bowing his head towards Kenichi apologetically, he then raised his head and bowed toward everyone in the room. [color=e74c3c]"I'm sorry that you all had to see that."[/color] Roy then raised his head as he saw the coffee table centered in the living room begin to rise up followed by the arrival of a girl who's name was Kiyoko, shortly after the coffee that had rose into the air feel down to the floor with a large bang. Kiyoko was dressed in all white and her presence felt somewhat supernatural, he felt a strange vibe from her that caused the hairs on his arms to stand up as she said whats up to them. Roy slowly raised his hand to wave at the spirit before speaking up, [color=e74c3c]"Whats up...Kiyoko? I uh don't mean to be rude but who exactly are you and what are you doing in our dorm?"[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6889/bddd37a3628bd7b524dbf44b7542f693b54dd35dr1-459-600v2_00.jpg[/img] [h1][color=f26522]???[/color][/h1][/center] Very shortly after Kiyokos arrival, another newcomer joined in on the fun though with a rather annoyed expression. [color=f26522]"Jesus Kiyoko, I know that you're excited to meet the underclassman but remember. We are supposed to be role models to those under us."[/color] The girl that had entered was sporting a black leather jacket that was quite worn and slightly too big on her, she had red fiery hair along with equally fiery crimson eyes. A certain air around was circling around her that gave off the impression that she played no games whatsoever. Her eyes darted from the left to right scanning everyone in the room before landing on Dulga, the red haired girl sized her up begin walking straight to her. [color=f26522]"I must say Tatara-san, you are much more captivating in person"[/color] of all the freshman this year, Dulga was the one who had caught this crimson eyed girls attention immediately. Despite having to look nearly straight up just to converse with the lovely lady in front of her, the girl was not at all nervous to converse with her. She extended her hand forward introducing herself,[color=f26522]"Class 3-A, Yamada Shihone."[/color] she had took notice of Dulga's body language as it seemed that she was not going to stay around for much longer. [color=f26522]"Were you about to take off, I was hoping that I would get the chance to talk with you but it seems like that won't be happening.[/color] she said with a slight bit of dejection in her voice. [@Heartfillia][@Norschtalen][@Aerandir][@Ryonara][@Silver Carrot][@Zeroth][@Melpaws]