[h2]Character Spotlight #12[/h2] [b]Full Name:[/b] Damien Fairway Alitoph/Dorgaro [b]Pronunciation:[/b] “Ale-eye-top-f”/”Door-ga-roe” [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] Daimo. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Gender Role:[/b] Masculine. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight. [b]Preferences:[/b] Females, prefers personality over looks. [b]Real Age:[/b] 26 years. [b]Age Appearance:[/b] 26. [b]Personality:[/b] Damien tends to come off as cold and bitter; but he is kind and caring, but tries to keep the mysterious and Unknown attitude. Often afraid to open up to others and more afraid to tell others his past. Once he opens up to someone he’s incredibly protective; often putting others above his own life. [b]Likes:[/b] Tramping, Exploring, Sparring, Reading, Silent areas. [b]Dislikes[/b] Cities, crowds, caves, confinement. [b]Turn Ons:[/b] Soft touches, General Romantic things, Someone who can hold their own when play wrestling. [b]Turn Offs:[/b] Megalomaniacs, Braggers, Ego. [b]Habits:[/b] Damien has a habit of keeping his emotions hidden around anyway, no matter who he’s around. Once he gets close to someone he will open up, but he prefers to keep his emotions locked away. Damien will also fiddle with his clothing, making sure it’s in as pristine condition as he can. He also leans against Orian when he’s standing with him, much like his Brother and Sister do with their Dragons. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Flying with Orian, Travelling with Orian, fixing his clothes, tramping and hiking, Reading. [b]Birthday:[/b] 26th September. [b]Birthplace:[/b] His Family Castle Medical Wing, approximately 12:56pm. [b]Zodiac Sign:[/b] Libra [b]Immediate Family:[/b] >Amber- Mother, Dead. >Thomas- Father, dead. >Noble- Younger Brother, Alive. >Rai- Younger sister, Dead. [u]History-[/u] [b]Parenting:[/b] Damien’s parents were kind and caring, but they were half strict when it came to house rules. [b]Upbringing:[/b] Damien was raised much like his brother; Respect thy elders and treat others how you’d like to be treated. [b]Infancy:[/b] Again, Much like Noble; Damien was raised by mainly his mother, as his father had the ‘secret duties’. [b]Childhood:[/b] By the time Damien turned 3, Noble was born; and the young boy was immediately drawn to the idea of protecting him; often taking on the duties that his mother should have done, such as changing and bathing. They formed a close bond from an early age. When Damien turned 10, he lost his family to a Dragon attack, ordered by the King. He survived in the rubble, but managed to escape the crumbling parts of the castle; through what he believed to be hidden passages. He found his father’s mini-study, and it had mention of the Order. [b]Adolescence:[/b] Damien travelled most way through until he was 14, he was adventuring through a forest where he met Orian. Orian was injured and hiding from trappers, and Damien helped him escape and heal fully. Together Damien and Orian travelled the rest of the way to the Order together, following his father's clues and hints. Damien managed to get to the Order a couple weeks before he turned 16, and has been with them ever since. [b]Adulthood: [/b] Damien stands as one of the strongest members of the Silver Order. Although he headbutts with Maxson at every turn, he will listen to him as he is the leader. Orian and Damien’s bond is rumoured to be one of the best bonds, alongside, unsurprisingly, his siblings. It’s said to be because of the bloodline. Coming of Age: Damien’s coming of age was when he escaped the wreckage of the castle, and ended up finding Orian and teaming up with the Moon Dragon. [b]Evolution:[/b] Damien’s changed a lot since he was a kid, He has become less naive and less trusting. He also has gained the ability to almost perfectly hide his emotion. [b]Species:[/b] Mage-Human [b]Ethnicity:[/b] British. [b]Blood Type:[/b] AB - [b]Preferred Hand:[/b] Ambidextrous but Writes with right hand. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Soft Blue [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black hair. [b]Hairstyle:[/b] Just below the ear, scruffy. [b]Tone:[/b] Slightly tanned skin on the parts that see the sun, but otherwise rather pale. [b]Complexion:[/b] A small amount of freckles over his nose and cheeks. [b]Body Type:[/b] Mesomorph [b]Build:[/b] Stocky, strong build. [b]Height:[/b] 6’03” [b]Weight:[/b] 78kgs [b]Shoe Size:[/b] Size 9 mens. [b]Distinguishing Features:[/b] N?A [b]Piercings:[/b] None. [b]Tattoos:[/b] None. [b]General Attire:[/b] Damien has two outfits he tends to wear, his casual gear or his riding gear. A lot of that crosses over, as his Casual gear consists of a tight-fitting singlet, under a well cut dress shirt. Over top of the shirt is either his silver-grey vest, with a red diamond on the back of it; or his dark black zip-up hoodie with a dragon print stitched into the right shoulder. His Rider gear consists of the thick jeans; which he wears in both outfits, Thick flexible Dragon Rider Boots. [b]Powers:[/b] Terramancy, Earth Elemental. [b]Skills:[/b] Tramping, Earth Magic, Map Reading, Sword Fighting. [b]Education:[/b] Homeschool until his parents were killed, then self taught until he found the Order. [b]Lifestyle:[/b] He’s mostly a drifter, often keeping what he needs on him at all times, either on him or in his pack attached to Orian. [b]Wealth:[/b] He’s not very Wealthy, but he has enough to survive and help the order. [b]Occupation:[/b] Dragon Rider, occasional Bounty Hunter. [b]Alliances:[/b] The Silver Order.