[@Oak7ree][@Andreyich] Not really one for humour, Helmut nevertheless allowed himself a grim smile at the situation. What manner of fate had bought these three here at this time, had it been Sigmar in his benevolence? Was it one of the other Gods? Who knew. After waiting patiently for the temporarily ruffled newcomers to settle down a little, he listened to their questions and bade Henrik pull up another chair and take a seat while he answered their questions. "[b]I[/b] am Helmut Van Graff, Witch Hunter and keeper of the Emperor's law and justice." One look at Henrik told him that, in spite of looking older than he was, the blue-eyed arrival was more than he seemed, "will you not join us?" One gloved hand rose up to scratch his cheek as he looked to Hans, seeing the expression that had overtaken the boys face, "this is the tavern, though I feel you may be in the wrong place. Then again...." his free hand reached into a pocket, plucking something from it and presenting his palm to the seventeen year old "...perhaps this may interest you?" There, glinting in the dim light of the tavern and standing out against the dark leather glove, was a golden crown - also known as Karls, Crowns or Gelt - the face of Karl Franz on one side and a Reaper holding an hour-glass on the other. "This would buy you more than a room for a night, and there is plenty of it."