[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qPKXDIR.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmZkYjkzMC5VMjl5WVhsaC4w/blood-and-blade.regular.png[/img][/center] [@Lugubrious][@SquishStar45][@Anonawrimo] [hr] [color=fff200]"Merveilleuse."[/color] Soraya seemed entirely oblivious to Reese's less than friendly attitude. Taking a position standing next to Reese, Soraya continued. Might as well explain a bit about how her own attribute worked. [color=fff200]"Then I shall start with my attribute. It's nothing flashy - just a suit of armor I can wear that will allow me to bear the brunt of attacks from anything."[/color] A simple attribute, but a useful one, and one that she very much approved of! It fit her historical tastes perfectly. She'd have loved to get to know her partner somewhat better, but it seemed time wasn't on their side. By the time Soraya had finished her introduction, things had started to get underway. The prospector showed up on the stage, introducing himself and revealing what everyone was there for - and more. Someone was already on their way towards the rift. Which made her pause. It was an awfully foolish idea to do something like that, in her opinion. If it had been publicly announced, then they would know there would be others coming. As such, the ability to make a profit would be low, unless they somehow thought they could get through a rift on their own before the others arrived. They'd likely end up fighting other Rift travelers. Stupid, or something else? No time for thoughts. [color=fff200]"Come along, partner!"[/color] Soraya moved quickly, weaving through the crowd as one might through a dance floor, and soon they had arrived at their destination. Pulling herself into the vehicle, Soraya made sure to help Reese get in, if needed, or help her in other ways. Once everyone was strapped in, Soraya quickly made an introduction. [color=fff200]"Mhm, Soraya. Let me handle the defense and distraction. I can handle a beating."[/color]