Kace smirked subtly at the monk’s rebuttal to the Ethoran man who had called himself Roland. The young half-dwarf knew he was at a disadvantage due to his age but he hoped that the mere fact that he had been summoned along with these others would earn him the respect he was due. He wondered if any of the rest of his new companions had fought in wars, or led men into battle. He wondered if any of the rest of them had cradled dying friends in their arms or emerged from a besieged fortress, covered in the blood of their kinsmen. He wondered if any of them knew the stark difference between the bitter taste of defeat and the sweet relief of victory. He supposed he would find out soon enough as they would all be confined to a ship together. He followed the Eunuch out of the tower and back the way the came, back to the docks after they were bade to depart. When he heard the Ethoran Ego, as Kace had taken to calling him in his head, speak on the quality of the ship, he opened his mouth in preparation to retort but missed the opportunity when the captain of the vessel, a certain Captain Richard, spoke before him. Kace nodded in silent agreement after the captain spoke, as he moved to pick up the only bag of his belongings that remained on the dock, assuming his crew had packed the rest aboard and departed already, as the Sea-Wolf was nowhere to be seen. “Don’t worry Sir Roland. If you think this is going to be a rough ride, just be thankful they didn’t give us a Miraheim Longship. At least this ship will provide you a roof instead of a canvas tarp.” He said jovially, smiling to the Ethoran as he boarded the ship. He made an observatory pace around the perimeter of the deck before turning to where Captain Richard now stood at the helm. “I must say Captain, she’s a fine vessel. What do you call her?” Kace asked with genuine interest.