Euan felt his side. There was a small scar forming where the shrapnel stabbed him. He grinned, he'd tell the ladies it was a shark bite or something or that he was in a fight with a rampant polar bear. He moved his hand away and let his t-shirt fall to its normal position. He looked at the clock for a while, he still had practically [i][u]ages[/u][/i] to go until the end of the lesson. And, by ages he of course had like 10 minutes left. He looked at the rest of the class, they looked like they were writing something important. What class was he in again? French or something? Euan took out the small card with his subjects on them. They were given at the start of every term and were generally supposed to be memorized and tossed away. Euan was lazy though and just kept the thing in his pocket. He was actually in English, a foolish mistake to make especially since Euan was actually from the French part of Canada. Euan raised his hand to which the teacher responded with a sigh and a [i]"Yes, Euan?"[/i] Euan responded with a quick "I need to drain my dragon" [i]"Wha-?"[/i] "Urine" The teacher sighed once more before deciding that since Euan hadn't actually started the class test there wasn't much point in not letting him go. She gave Euan a hall pass and let him leave. She'd have to print out another one soon as she knew Euan would most likely never return the one she gave him. Euan made his way to the bathroom before ducking into the regular detention classroom he was to go to after school. He saw Naomi opening the secret entrance as he entered and followed her in, silently damning her for getting there first. When Naomi got down she said something about Farah's powers being useless. He leaped down the stairs before exclaiming "Fear not, Maidens my side is fine!" He then returned to his normal, angry self "So what's all this stuff about useless powers?