Alister finished his preparations on breakfast and it seemed as though everyone with the exception of shadow and kobae was present in some fashion. He set out plates for everyone and stepped to the side allowing all who wished to eat to enjoy a nice breakfast. They all had to live here together and make friends might as well feast together. "Dig in" he said kindly as he walked off out of the back door and bounded onto the roof. It was still early morning and the sun was not quite fully ok n the sky so he wished to finish the sunset. He hopped the others would enjoy their breakfast. He lit himself a cigarette and sighed taking a deep inhale of smoke. He wondered when the missions would flow in. Shadow had said there were small undertakings to keep us busy but he didn't feel a need to take them alone.he preferred a partner. And more than anyone he preferred V as a partner. He sat there smoking his cigarette and thinking of the days to come. Wandering, hoping, wishing he knew what would happen. He had no clue and for now that worried him. He would hate the idea of this place falling to hell again.