The answers from the large creature perplexed Ali further. Leaving more questions than solutions. Neither of them apparently with a background in the sciences there was only one way this would end. with a sigh, "Looks like we're atuck here until we find someone with answers. I would need a few items from my craft then together we can find whatever form of space faring life is here and with a little negotiating make a life for ourselves here. What is this vessels frequency range? We need to begin searching for any type of transmissions and I can send out the two emergency probes to help with that. We can leave one stationary for a reference point and beacon for where the rift is. Then launch the other in the opposite direction in relation to our course. We need to start taking inventory of the rations and figure out how long we can search for species with advance tech while looking for the basics of food and water components. The only real saving grace to my craft is the replication unit. Although I got it at a discount so it needs the base elements to synthesize water and food." The flashing light within her eye showing the count down was reaching the limit made her sweat a little. Waiting till after the large creature replied. "Well I need to get back to start making the necessary preparations to the probes in order for this plan to work if your on board." Ali waited to hear what the big guy had in mind. Would he go with it or not? Only it needed to be fairly brief or there would be an issue with the possible alliance.