[h2]Lillia Avemaria[/h2] The other heiress walked forwards after the obstacle was removed, crouching to look at the chalk outline. That was... oh, interesting. It wasn't a perfect removal from this little bloodstain, they were probably coughing up blood before they died... which would mean that the large stain was where the organs had wound up, if anything. But that was a simple trick, if Arinne wanted to know that then she could just ask Saturday, not gather a bunch of investigators... Time to show what she could do: Lillia produced a small ceramic box from one pocket... full of dirt. Another pocket evidenced a knife, which carefully scraped off some of the larger bloodstain to be sprinkled over the dirt. And finally--a third pocket evidenced nothing other than a handful of cut daisies, whose stems were pushed gently into the dirt. "Like to Like... even in death, a body is one," she mutters, the magical energy pushing down and into the strange arrangement, "Find yourself." On cue, the daisies revolved, turning to point in different directions--with one bending almost in half to point. That one lead to the body, then. "If the organs are not protected, we can find them."