[url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/snake-mix-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190505/c926657b6cbcea17699ea2f6c7e63d75.png[/img][/url][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/bethanie-snake-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190505/88936ea0d25f62c1dd421e93efbbe16d.png[/img][/url][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190505/c926657b6cbcea17699ea2f6c7e63d75.png[/img] [hr] Edited post - Rei leaned over the pond looking down at the shiny object below when a hand emerged from the water and grabbed hold of rei's ankle. Suddenly pulling her in, From a distance, it would look as if rei willingly went into the water but if anyone knew rei well enough they would know Rei wasn't the best of swimmers. She learned to hold her breath for lengthy amounts of time but as for everything else she was useless. Panic-stricken, Rei sank to the bottom. She tried to keep her composure since she knew panicking wasn't going to help her one bit. Down into the murky water below, the liquid stinging her eyes. she looked for that glimmer of metal once again. The temperature changing from warm to cold and the light growing dimmer. She let herself sink to the bottom of the ponds dark depths. It was peaceful down on the bottom, the silence was alluring. [i]What if she just stayed here? No one would miss her. No one would notice her absence. [/i] [i] Death by water... How pathetic [/i] As these dark thoughts clouded her mind a sense of hopelessness came over her. Suddenly a figure of white swam in the distance and it was larger than any kappa she has seen. She leaned forward in the water, her hands gracing against a curved object and she felt around grabbing hold of its handle, it was Drakus weapon. she quickly grabbed the chain of the weapon and pulled it towards her but it wouldn't budge. Something had a hold of it. Maybe that same something that pulled her into the water. Taking hold of the chain she pulled herself along its length as it leads her deeper into the dark. Any moment she waited for a kappa attack but none never came, where were all the kappa? Finally, she discovered the source of her problem and it was quite a relief, seeing a large golden cylinder wrapped around the end of the chain. She reached for the object and a wrinkled waterlogged hand revealed itself from the darkness and grabbed hold of Rei slender wrist. Able to free herself from its grip and swim backward. The face of a bloated old woman darted forward towards rei, screaming at the horrifying old woman that began crawling onto her. Her long claws digging into her flesh and tearing the skin along the side of her legs. blood seeping into the pond. REI didn't have much time now that she released most of her oxygen from the scream. Taking the chain of Drakus Kamakura and yanking it towards her person. The cylinder hitting the witch in the back of the head and rei wrapped that chain around her leg, so she wouldn't lose it. she'll be damned if she made it to the bottom of this pond to leave empty handed but at this rate, she wasn't sure if she would make it at all. Placing her foot on her shoulder of the witch and pushing off her, she lunged for the invisible lifeline that entered the water. Grabbing hold of it, she could hear the muffled voice of someone up above and pulling it desperately. Began laughing and she could hear it clear as day under the water. The hags mouth opened a plague of bugs swarmed towards her. Rei tried to get away, getting herself free from the witches grasp and starting to swim up to the surface but her efforts were futile. The swarm of insects engulfed her being. They bite, They stung. They crawled under her clothing and tried to enter her body through her orifices. A living nightmare. [@AwesomeZero5][@Calatrava]