[center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/4bea0f5298c687f13222714ecfd3dad3/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so5_r2_640.png[/img][/center] The zombie girl snorted at Sil’s remark. [b]”I can pick up on sarcasm, bitch.”[/b] She reached for the maid on the floor and picked her up by the head. [b]”And what are you still doing sleeping? Let’s get to the crypt.”[/b] And with that, the three cradle agents took offt. [color=tomato]“Hmmm.”[/color] Mika folded her arms. It did feel good to have her efforts acknowledged by Sil. She was still miffed that, again, she hadn’t managed to be as helpful as the other magical girls. But everything had wrapped up. Even if it was just a few seconds ago, this whole thing was the past now. She had to look forward. In all the excitement it was hard to remember why she originally came here. But it did come to her. Mika had come after Rina to get her phone number, so that they could be friends. While she hadn’t managed to get that yet, she had gotten her name. It at least gave her something to look up in a phone book if she couldn’t find her again. But Mika was surrounded by magical girls and boys right now. If she wanted to make more magical friends, she was in the right place. A giggle escaped her lips as she surveyed the area for anyone interesting. But her gaze stopped on a familiar character. [color=tomato]“Helga?”[/color] She ran to her friend, but slowed up on her approach. It was clear that Helga had been through the ringer, and looked a bit confused as well. Nothing that she couldn’t fix! [color=tomato]“Hi Helga!”[/color] she leaned into Helga with her head. [color=tomato]“You look hurt! Let me see if I can make some of the pain go away.”[/color] She tapped her collar, and Helgas wounds gradually closed. Lupa bounded her way over to their side, but said nothing. [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/17c38dc4eb13fbeb22547a6ffc4c1627/tumblr_pi25c6jISs1w6599so1_640.png[/img][/center] The cats were notably weary of Rina’s presence. They hissed at her as she approached. All of the extra attention was only serving to make Sammy more uncomfortable with her situation. She was going to stand up and leave when Amaryllis appeared before Sammy. When they embraced, Sammy’s body shivered. Her tears rolled over the bloody smudges on her cheeks, but she didn’t make a sound. When Amaryllis was ready to let go, Sammy wiped her eyes, further smudging the blood around her face. [b]”Thanks.”[/b] She inhaled deeply. [b]”Tony.”[/b] A hug wasn’t going to make Sammy’s trauma go away. She could talk, but she needed to take her time to avoid letting her emotions control her again. [b]”I made a bad deduction.”[/b] A breath. [b]”It changed him.”[/b] Another breath. [b]”I got him-”[/b] She inhaled sharply and grit her teeth. She placed a hand on her hat and pulled the brim down over her eyes. [b]”I wanna be alone, I’ll meet up with you later.”[/b] When Sammy turned around to walk away, her cats followed her. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HGNJD6p.png [/img][/center] [b]”Excuse me?“[/b] Lotus pushed her way through the Beacon girls to get to Alicia. [b]”Did I hear you say Shining Scale?“[/b] She raised a hand to her chin. [b]”Hmmm, how do you know her? I wouldn’t think Beacon would do much with the unsavory sort.“[/b] Lotus folded her arms. Faith had managed to get behind [s]Non-gothic Sonia[/s] Serenity. [b]”Are you what all this fuss was about?“[/b] She placed her hands on the maid’s shoulders. [b]”My, you’re rather tense in the shoulders. That’s not good. Let’s see if we can get some of that to go away.“[/b] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/8926851b8ec458a49aa78b5ed202dcff/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so3_640.png[/img][/center] Su felt empty. It had been a trying day, and not one she would soon forget. Her best friend’s corpse had been pulled out of the earth to be used in a ritual. She had to fight off some corrupt beacon girls with the help of a questionable ally. All while trying to talk Helga down so that she didn’t destroy herself. And after all that, it didn’t even matter anyway. The ritual was a success, and the villain lived to fight another day. Everyone would have been better off just letting things happen. It was the Justine event all over again. Amber died in vain, and everyone who died here did as well. Something rushed past Su, and for a brief moment she thought that she could smell Amber. An ocean breeze carrying the scent of tropical flowers. It caused Su to blink herself awake. When she looked over her shoulder, she could see the pirate girl was going over to another congregation of magical girls. Su found herself following. [i][color=PeachPuff]”That can’t be Amber.”[/color][/i] But it must have been made from Amber. The pirate in front of her looked nothing like Shining Scale, but it was a pirate. It had a peculiar way of talking, acting, and also acted like someone with real sea legs. He must have planned on replacing her. That horror. Replaced. Amber. With this [i]disgusting[/i] abomination. A mere puppet to mock Amber’s memory, with some horror tugging on the strings. It was too much to ask the world to just let Amber’s body rest in peace, or for Su to have something go right for once. But things didn’t have to be that way. The pirate girl was blabbing about something attached to her arm, so she was likely not aware of Su’s presence. This would make what Su was about to do rather easy. She simply stood behind the pirate girl and, faster than most could react, shifted the two of them into the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa-856yGjeA]Overcity.[/url] [hr] Without missing a beat, Su sprout her tendril-like wings and took to the sky. Dust swirled around her, indicating her growing magical power. Her blood vessels turned black, and her wings grew. Like flowers dispersing pollen, her dread wings bathed the area in her emotions. She had been saving her strongest spells for a big final fight. This manikin didn’t stand a chance. [color=PeachPuff]”I came here for my friend’s body, and I’m not leaving without it.”[/color] A tower of wind descended from the heavens and surrounded Su. When it touched the ground, it was strong enough to break up the tile-like surface and carry the shards into the sky. It wasn’t unreasonable to think that such a barrier could deflect spells and projectiles. Su lunged forward, and so did the tornado. Normally Su held back as to not damage the city of penrose, but that wouldn’t be a problem here. She didn’t have to hold back. The world wouldn’t win today. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NgWhiMr.png[/img] [hider=Tonya “Mac” Murphy] [b]Age: 24/11 | Gender: Female/Female | Illusion, Gravity Body | Power of Friendship, Regeneration, Third Eye | Moirai Coercion, Soul Jar, Martial Training, True Sight, Parasite, Gifted, Awareness, Mystic Artifact Magical Overload, Paragon, Blessing, Gifted Item | Monster Form, Big Brother, Arrogance, Vendetta Redirected Magic, Second Specialization | Non-Standard Limbs, Destroyer[/b] STR: 05 | AGI: 04 | VIT: 05 | MAG: 03 | LCK: 03 STR: 10 | AGI: 08 | VIT: 11 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 05 Earnings this post: Messing with all the beacon buddies, the Bates, and Soth: 2 Gold 11 Silver 21 Bronze Total: 5 Gold, 111 Silver, 120 Bronze [/hider][/center] Mac was still a bit surprised with what she had done. Saving Tonya from the Archive had the potential to create great change in how the future would unfold. This was a direct violation of her patron's code, and she had done it for one of her sworn enemies. But there would be time to think about this later. For now, she would return to her apartment with Tonya and figure things out from there. While Drama was still unfolding, the main event had ended. Soth had been appeased, or defeated. Anticlimatic, but that was what fate wanted she supposed.