[@Eviledd1984][@Cio] When they’d met in Finland, Evren could read German and Latin but he wasn’t sure Aava had ever known how to read at all; when they met, Finnish was only a spoken language, any writing of the time was in Swedish. Even so he was confident that he could teach Aava to read. She had a supernatural knack for speech and language, how much of a leap could sounding out syllables be? He took the book Aava had chosen; it was a black and red book with an impression of a child reaching up to the branches of a tree. Evren had read it some thirty years ago at Lucifer’s suggestion when they reunited in Redhaven, along with a number of other classics that were to help catch him up with American society. He had liked it very much, though a few of the more subtle points went over his head, so now was a good time for a reread with a friend. [color=cc3300]”To Kill a Mockingbird.”[/color] he read the title to her. [color=cc3300]”(I think you’ll like this, I learned a lot reading it.)”[/color] Evren returned the novel to Aava and wandered over to Duckie. He noticed the book he’d picked up and discarded, and retrieved it from the shelf. He knew his friend had been a comedian many decades ago, but he wasn’t wholly sure what that meant. [color=cc3300]”Something from your time, James? Did you write this?”[/color] He flipped briefly through it before taking notice of what Duckie’s attention had turned to. He scanned the nearby shelves with books of various mythologies and saw a slim paperback book tucked in between two collections of Norse epics. Evren laughed lightly when he saw it. [color=cc3300]”Aha, that’s what I mean! Nœkken.”[/color][hider=book cover][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/23/b4/01/23b401e3429d7a174250292310e1c3c4.jpg[/img][/hider][hr][color=silver]“Because I don’t take orders from anyone.”[/color] Beck retorted, intending to be scathing but coming off a bit juvenile. [color=silver]“The cops don’t tell me what to do; in fact, they follow [i]me[/i] because I’m the best at what I do.”[/color] She felt her phone buzz but didn’t answer the text.