STILL PICTURE HUNTING [hider=Captain Collem Corvinian] [hider=OoC] [b]As a player, what is your preferred writing level? [/b] •Several paragraphs •Long stories with heavy collaboration [b]Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] Very much so. I don’t care what preferred spelling you use (American or British English), but try to be consistent. Admittedly it is something I have to check myself too – whether I wrote ‘honor’ or ‘honour’. My own preference veers toward BE, simply because this is the style I was taught and currently teach. [b]Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] I enjoy adult themes, meaning scenarios revolving around conflicting interests, alliances of necessity, cloak-and-dagger, politics, intrigue, negotiations, power mechanics, etc. What’s a character’s motivation? What does he/she aspire to? Why? While the occasional action scene or gunfight is interesting, I find myself more engaged when delving deeper. For example, I would much rather such an action sequence was part of a grander story or scene, like an ongoing battle or jailbreak. [b]Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] Uncollaborative writing partners. [b]Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Do not hijack, ‘bunny’ or godmod my chars. Some of you who know me will also know that I am alright with them being used when I intrinsically trust you with them, or give you permission to control them ICly. The golden rule is to check first. [b]Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] Collem’s supposed to be a tool for me to be able to join and be involved with a variety of RPs. He’s for me to get into that sweet, sweet roleplay. As with his daddy dearest, he should facilitate stories. In addition, he might provide a link to the Grand Moff, thereby acting as a bridge between low and high tier player characters. [/hider] [hider=Imperial personnel files] [b]Name: [/b] Collem Corvinian [b]Species: [/b] Human (negligible Sith pureblood percentage) [b]Age: [/b] 34 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Military Branch: [/b] Imperial Navy / Imperial Intelligence [b]Rank: [/b] Captain [b]Unit/designation: [/b] Intelligence [b]Role/specialisation: [/b] Operative, asset handler [b]Current place of Service: [/b] Classified. [b]Known Skills and Trained Techniques: [/b] Military Tactics (small to large units), strategic deployment and manoeuvres, leadership and command, operational analysis, logistics, working knowledge of economics, law and assorted ‘civilian’ fields, starship engineering knowledge, basic combat training, hand-to-hand combat, linguistics, cultural studies. [b]Known associates: [/b] Classified. [b]Favoured Equipment and clothes: [/b] When serving with a naval task force or in official capacity, Collem adheres to the appropriate dress code. Austere, military style of dress are preferred. While Corvinian is concerned about appearances, his uniform must first and foremost be functional not fashionable. When deployed, the golden rule is to dress for the occasion. One does not wear a crisp white service dress when entering a hive of scum and villainy. [b]Personality type: [/b] A chip off the old block. A natural-born leader and battlefield commander, Collem is gifted with charisma and confidence, and projects authority in a way that draws people together behind a common goal. While certainly not numb to others, he is characterized by an often-ruthless level of rationality, using his drive, determination and sharp mind to achieve whatever end he has set for himself. [b]Known flaws: [/b] • Utterly ruthless… sorta: Corvinian has shown that he is willing to do [i]almost[/i] whatever it takes to attain a goal. He lacks the cruelty that serves/served others in the Sith Empire so well. • Rash, proud and confident: burnished by military success and glory, Collem has come to see himself as some sort of strategic virtuoso while forgetting that age-old truth: pride cometh before the fall. • Petty rivalries: Though he does not enjoy conflict, Collem nevertheless seems to find it. Altercations with superior officers (especially his father) have been no rarity. [/hider] [hider=Imperial Intelligence Reports] [h3][sub]Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient. [/sub][/h3] A young man, in shape, of agreeable countenance. Non-descript height, which perhaps is useful in his current operational field. Collem carries himself with the same confidence seen in his father. In recent years Collem has become somewhat of a chameleon, adept at changing his appearance and comportment. [h3][sub]Report on skills and talents, including level of skill[/sub][/h3] • Engineer-minded: Collem is enthusiastic about advancements in military technology and ship construction. His passion ranging from wielding a blow-torch to writing code and protocols. • Adaptable: While the case, Collem’s adaptability goes beyond practical applications or ship manoeuvres. Open-minded and progressive, one of the few points where the younger Corvinian agrees with his father is that the Empire is threatening to decay. Having risen to unprecedented heights, it is now imperative that the Empire adapts to the new reality. • Ambitious: With open conflict over and done, and naval operations limited to patrol and anti-piracy, Collem has had to find a new way to continue the fight against the Republic. Great things are coming, and he feels the need to be part of it. • Judge & Reader: Collem does his research, thoroughly. When faced with a lacune or hiatus, he either shores up his knowledge or brings in an expert. It is therefore important for him to be a good judge of character. [h3][sub]Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training. Report on role, specialisation and responsibilities pertaining to the subject’s military deployment.[/sub][/h3] Refer to biography/interview, skills and talents, known interests. [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of candidate.[/sub][/h3] Reared to take command from an early age, the younger Corvinian developed a keen sense of pride. However, there is always the shadow of his father to contend with. He is in need of validation. Coming from a family steeped in military tradition and prestige, and personal accomplishment, has fuelled in him a burning ambition to excel. Oddly enough, Collem feels as if there is a competition between himself and his father, Grand Moff Blayse Corvinian. This need to ‘be his own man’ has led Collem to adopt and develop a remarkable style of leadership distinctively different from Blayse’s. While there is certainly a spark of brilliance and more than enough daring and dash involved, Corvinian’s battlefield tactics and command border on the dangerous. They are almost [i]too[/i] daring, if you will. When faced with unsurmountable odds, Collem takes it for a challenge rather than an impossibility. He takes refuge in audacity, rather than err on the side of caution and recognise the merit of a tactical retreat. Backing down, professionally or personally, comes hard to him. While this boldness does wonders for the morale of his subordinates, it is borderline overconfidence and irresponsible. It makes him a somewhat unreliable commander. Some risks can (and should) be avoided. His actions have more than once earned him a reprimand from his old man, only contrarily emboldening him further. He operates at a higher tempo than most of his opponents, and gambles with hunches and intricate plans where the result is so spectacular that it looks like Force Sight. Collem Corvinian not only plays to his enemy’s psychology through his artistically-informed military tactics, but by making them doubt themselves and their own abilities. He is a trickster, causing his opponent to believe that he would be aware of their every move. Or perhaps he plays the role of trickster. Collem uses his own reputation and his opponent’s self-doubts as a weapon. He might be a ‘genius’, but is without a doubt more than a bit charlatan. And then there is a personal drawback, for his reputation also ‘imprisons’ himself in a fixed role, where there is little room for error. Playing with high-stakes infers that any blunders would be catastrophic. [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database. [/sub][/h3] • High Target: as son of a Grand Moff, he is subject to high scrutiny and political bias. • Hubris: He is proud and overconfident, suffering from ‘daddy issues’. Collem – perhaps unwittingly – cultivated these traits in order to pursue validation for his own achievements. He is forever looking for something that will give him an edge. • Convoluted plans: He is a skilled tactician portraying/presenting himself as a brilliant strategist. Though he is formidable, some of his manoeuvres are massive gambles, their success largely attributed to luck and flukes. • Stressed: Juggles stress coming from a variety of sources – father, responsibilities of command, his own reputation, rivalries, … He also fears his military prowess has plateaued at its current level, which is chipping away at his confidence. • Dislikes the Force and Sith: In an Empire ruled by Dark Side force users, this is an unpopular stance. [h3][sub]All known interests of the candidate.[/sub][/h3] • Spaceship engineering. • Military history. • Leadership, policy and management. [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3] • Scoured the border regions along the Outer Rim reach of the Corellian Run of pirates and deserters, thus bringing a modicum of order to the notoriously troublesome worlds such as Tatooine, Rodia and Ryloth. • Streamlined Taerab ship designs to cut back on energy consumption, system redundancy and minimum personnel requirements. Automatisation of internal systems in particular merited credit, for it alleviated the Empire’s manpower problem as well as lowering construction costs. [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential. [/sub][/h3] Classified. Additional security clearance required. [hider=Interview] [h3][sub]Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for use in imperial archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note. [/sub][/h3] Growing up during wartime, Collem was chomping at the bit to pull his weight from an early age. He followed a similar cursus honorum as that of his old man, enrolling in the naval academy. Upon early graduation, he served as ensign aboard the same [i]Gage[/i]-class Transport: the [i]Sable Dirge[/i]. When he moved on, it was as an officer on board of a [i]Terminus[/i]-class Cruiser. Collem earned his stripes in the latter days of the Great War, particularly during the Rim Campaign of 3660 BBY and the final stages of the Minos Cluster Campaign from 3659 BBY on. Concurrently, Collem collaborated with Taerab Starship Manufacturing on ship and module designs. As a consultant, he focused on tackling those deficiencies such as crew requirement, energy consumption, manoeuvrability and redundant systems. After the war ended in 3653 BBY, Collem spent a year with Taerab Starship Manufacturing until his father’s assignment as Moff in Oversector Southern opened up the possibility to hunt pirates and pockets of Republic holdouts. Active duty was something he missed, and so he applied for transfer. From Druckenwell to Smuggler’s Run and Farstine to Gamorr, Collem headed a minor flotilla of light vessels, preferring their manoeuvrability to chase down smaller, mobile bands of enemies. On occasion infiltration of criminal or paramilitary groups was necessary to gain vital intel. With the regions mostly pacified, Collem started looking for a new challenge. His personal ties to Grand Moff Corvinian, military track record, displayed skills of (tactical) flexibility, and extensive experience moving in the Galaxy made him a suitable candidate for Imperial Intelligence. Collem became part of the extensive network as an operative. Retaining his military rank, he nonetheless moved away from commanding from the bridge and into handling assets. Generally, the trend is to evolve away from field work, but Collem welcomed the (clandestine) action and excitement. As an intelligence officer willing to get his hands dirty, he bridges the gap between covert ops and military application. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Biography Timeline] • 3681 BBY / 1299 PRE / 28 BTC: Born • 3660 BBY / 1320 PRE / 7 BTC: Ensign • 3659 – 3653 BBY / 1321 – 1327 PRE/ 6 BTC – 1 ATC: Participation in the Rim and Minos Cluster campaigns. Consultant at Taerab Starship Manufacturing. • 3652 BBY / 1328 PRE: Consultant at Taerab Starship Manufacturing. • 3651 – 3649 BBY / 1329 – 1331 PRE: Captaining a roaming anti-insurgency task force. • 3649 BBY / 1331 PRE – present day: special operative. [/hider] [/hider]