[center][h1]Fukiri[/h1] [sup][i]“There were two kinds of strength. One was the strength that came with having something to protect. The other was the strength of having nothing to lose.” - Holo[/i][/sup] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i1iCjeH7Kc[/youtube][/center] [hr] At last, the beasts are waking up. On Fukiri's end, her wakening wouldn't go lightly whatsoever. The dragon's wings begin to extend, her eyes and mouth open, her body raising itself onto four of her legs. After issuing a large yawn, the beast looks at her surroundings. Confused and irritated, she quickly turns to anger. Uttering words in Latin from a still mouth, she lets out "This isn't right... Not at all!" She spits a large ball of goop at one of the containment walls, pushing through it with ease. She retracts her wings and crawls through the facility, some of the panicked scientists being slowly melted away by the very substance they were studying. The beast eventually reaches the outside, extending her massive wings and taking to the skies, rapidly increasing in altitude. Her large wings sends nearby helicopters into a death spiral, thanks to wind currents. Her head cranes around, firing more at anything she deems threatening, which is basically everything that flies or moves on the ground. Her altitude however gains more and more, before settling at a decent height and flying around in circles. She proceeds to bombard the facility that held her from the air, afterwards turning her attention south-east, constantly dripping that goop on her way.