[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/d41MsdL.png[/img][/center] [hr] Quirk presentations quirk presentations! Hurrah and hurray! Haruki was so prepared for this. He'd been waiting for this moment all day! He'd practiced all yesterday, hopping in and out of his foster parents, much to their annoyance, but he had to be warmed up! He had to make a good first impression! He was about to volunteer himself before the suddenly appearing quirk development teacher, but then a lanky student did it first. Haruki pouted, but didn't complain outloud, instead watching the presentation intently. His quirk was a giant fireball thing, which was pretty cool for sure. Haruki's eyes widened at the explosion, and fisted hands pumped at his sides in excitement. Oh boy, this was going to be so cool, if this was what [i]all[/i] the students were gonna be like then Haruki was going to be part of the best team ever! He moved to volunteer again, only getting out "A-" before someone else did it for him. Okay, not angry. Just a bit pouty, and maybe frustrated, not angry though. He had taken his meds this morning so he was all fine. Okay, who was this white haired girl? Zhao Emiko huh? That's a Chinese last name! A real life Chinese person! Wow! He'd never seen one of those before! Her quirk was pretty cool too, concussive force blasts that she shot by punching?! Haruki kinda wished he had that quirk instead, but no matter, he'd trained enough with his own quirk to make something out of it, so he wasn't too jealous. Especially because she was going to be jealous of him now that it was his turn- and someone else volunteered. Haruki yelled "Dawww!" and tore a bit of hair out of his chin in frustration. Ow. Okay, lightning round! Student, blond hair!~ Could shoot fireballs! Homing fireballs! Epic! Cool, now that he was done it was Haruki's turn so he jumped to his feet and prepared to move andthensomebodyelsevolunteeredforFART'ssake. He didn't even pay attention to her, he was so frustrated. Something about water, he was sure it was cool. He came back to reality just to see another student volunteer. Haruki felt like punching something. So he did. He punched his thigh really hard and fell over. Okay maybe he shouldn't punch himself. Another water quirk! Huh... this student was dancing around to demonstrate. Haruki didn't know how to feel about that. Wait, maybe the villains would be so distracted that he'd be able to sneak inside them and bop them in the schnoz! He could see it now! Cool quirk water girl! He caught the kiss she threw and put it in his pocket for later, maybe his mom would like it. He stepped forwards to volunteer, only to turn right back around as another student interrupted his attempts. This had to be a new record or something. Anyway, girl! Quirk that lets her split into smaller girls! Cool! Not a quirk he'd want but still cool! Immediately after she left Haruki barged to the front, tired of waiting and sick of interruptions. He wanted a turn already! With a furrowed brow, he roared and charged up to the stage, holding his arms out to his sides to stop anyone from coming after him. He spun around and landed in a crouch, glowering at the lot of them. Good, nobody'd tried anything. He sighed, and rubbed at the patch of skin where he'd ripped the hair out of earlier. Then he jumped up into the air. [color=f7976a]"HI! I'm Himura Haruki andI'msuperexcitedtobehereheyteacherscouldoneofyoustandrighttherekthanks!"[/color] he said, his mouth running like a motor and no breaths coming in as he turned to the teachers and pointed at a spot right in front of himself. "Okay! Let me!" Almost immediately Mori-sensei dashed onto the concrete platform looking just as excited as the student was. She turned towards the crowd of students on the spot Haruki had requested, gloved hands on her hips. "Is right here okay?" [color=f7976a]"Yep! Perfect!"[/color] Haruki replied with a hop onto one foot, holding up his hand excitedly.[color=f7976a] "Okay! My quirk lets me hop into somebody!... Okay it's easier if I demonstrate."[/color] Which he did, jumping into Mori-sensei and disappearing with a slight wind-chime-like noise. A few moments later his hands appeared, fading into existence and floating just off of her shoulders. His right hand shook up and waved excitedly, before disappearing. Then Haruki jumped out of her back, flipping and landing on his right hand, which landed on her shoulder. He spread his limbs wide with a [color=f7976a]"Ta da!"[/color] then rolled off. He turned back around and bowed exaggeratedly. He had practiced this again and again, and it had gone exactly as he'd planned! This was fantastic! Mori-sensei, despite knowing the gist of the student's quirks already, looked very bewildered when Haruki disappeared. When his arms manifested over her shoulders she let out a sort of surprised laughter. She almost lost her footing when Haruki preformed his headstand, not expecting the sudden weight, but stood steady for him to complete his show. Upon which she turned around and smiled at her student. "Woah! That was so strange! Very well done, Haruki-kun. I don't think I've ever even seen something like that in comics! I can't even begin to think of all of the unique ways that could be used! But we'll find that out together!" Haruki was very happy to hear that. So happy he almost started crying again. Instead he smiled widely with tightly closed eyes. Awesome! So frickin' awesome! [color=f7976a]"I can't wait! I can't wait I can't wait!"[/color] he yelled over and over again, hopping from foot to foot as he moved off of the stage. He trotted his way back to where he was, a massive smile on his face.