[@KiwiTime] [color=crimson][i]Bring your companion, I’d love to finally meet her. I’ll treat for breakfast. Pamela’s?[/i][/color] Lucian set his phone down on his coffee table and sat back on his plush sofa, elbows on his knees and fingers interlocked. He rested his chin on his clasped hands and let out a tired sigh. He was a man of secrets, but with the supernatural being normalized he often felt terribly vulnerable. In some ways it was a good thing, outcasted peoples were able to connect with each other more easily than ever, and while there was invaluable safety in numbers there was perhaps more in shadow. He knew that better than anyone else. He'd founded Redhaven, created a place where vampires could hide securely from the world. At one time their peaceful coven had hundreds of brothers and sisters; he was the only one left now. Children of the blood remained, descended of Those First but distanced from their ancestry; distanced from the heritage that lay solely within Lucian's own blood. That was how he saw it, anyway. It was odd to see new bloods living so openly. For someone so old this was very new, almost uncomfortable territory. Certainly uncomfortable. Especially with the Guard of the Holy Spirit running amok and with so much public support from weak-minded mortals, whelps who were too young and honest stood to lose a lot for mistakes they didn't make. [color=crimson][i]Girlfriend. Sorry, I’m showing my age.[/i][/color][hr] [@Eviledd1984][@Cio] [color=cc3300]"You were very handsome, if you don't mind me saying so."[/color] Evren said softly. [color=cc3300]"I know what you mean, though, James. Living too long and losing too many, I suppose it's in our nature."[/color] He spoke generally about the undead, knowing his statement was empty and impersonal but lacking a real answer to Duckie's grief. Instead he quietly read the passage Duck had pointed him to, wondering what ever came of this Jeremiah. Evren finished reading as Duckie asked his questions about sirens. [color=cc3300]"She's [i]like[/i] a siren. She's a näkki, from a lake in Finland. If there's anything you want to know, though, you can just ask her."[/color] Evren looked back to Aava and asked her to join them. In the past, in Finland, Aava certainly knew when she was speaking a foreign tongue. Though he was sure now that his friend was cognizant of the world around her (at least for the most part), her manner of speaking seemed unconscious, as if some control had gotten away from her.