Lynn sat against the wall in the white, padded room. It had taken a while to calm her down. She had been here for... a week? A little longer. And not yet visited even one class. Or session. Or even stayed in her room long enough to do anything else than shove her bag under her bed. Her black hair was dishevelled, her blue eyes appeared sunken, she had most obviously not slept enough. Her body was bruised, which was only showing thanks to the rather short skirt, her fingers and knuckles were scratched up and still slightly bloody. Lynn had started her days at this school at the dorm, probably like most people. So far she had been cooperative, listening, no signs of escape. Until they decided to lock the door. She had waited an hour, two. And after that done everything in her possibility to somehow get this door open. Or reach something, anything. Ending in a lot of screaming and a good part of the bruises and scratches on her body. They tried that game two more times, everytime ending it because otherwise it would have ended with Lynn being severly injured through her own actions. Group therapy got nowhere, maybe because she did have nearly no sleep in three nights. Putting her into the padded cell helped her not to hurt herself, but not really on the matter of calming down. Classes were deemed to unsecure before they either got her to stay in a room without flipping or to take some medication. After a few futil days somebody decided to get her to see a therapist. On her own, not in group. It took some sessions, and therefor some more days, to get at least a minimal subset of things sorted out. Sever claustrophobia. In a way at least. Panic of being locked in. The worked out way was simple, for the institution. If she was to be in a locked room, locking and unlocking time would be either announced or scheduled with her. They tried it the last days with the padded cell she had been staying in and it worked, so far. At least she was calm enough to sleep some hours and did not bolt of the room whenever it opened. Yesterday somebody had out a device on her ankle for movement control. Alright with her. Anything was better then being locked in... Footsteps neared her door. It was opened by a stern looking man, not too big or scary but hell, Lynn was still less than half his weight. Should pose no problem. She already had gotten up when the footsteps came closer. She dodged the man's try to touch her shoulders and lead her out of the cell "Can walk on my own." And she did. Just following instructions to get to the dinner hall. She put down her tablet and started to fill it with whatever was for lunch, rearranging things to stay neatly with every new bowl or plate. A vegetable soup, rice, meat dumplings (she would guess) and a mixture of meat and vegetables in a dark sauce, bottle of water. Each part in its own bowl or plate, so there was enough to arrange. After that she was pointed over to a table to sit down and informed she would meet her roommate. Lynn had no intentions to meet the girl, but it did not seem like something to be discussed. She just nodded, took a sip of water and openly did everything she could to ignore the little cup with a pill in it in front of her.