It seemed as if the crowd had consumed her, and what happened next was almost a blur, except the people involved. She allowed them to shuffle her away, observing keenly each and every person she could, including the dark one. They somehow made it to a quaint tavern where she sat at a large table full of strangers. A priest of sorts had vouched for the dark elf, and her presence didn’t seem to disturb any others within the village, so she’d leave the matter for now. She nodded to Settionne in a simple manner, but then the questions …. She pursed her lips softly, her gaze wandering in thought before returning to him. [b][color=00CED1]“Tha Kaelic Islands”[/color][/b], she replied. [b][color=00CED1]“An’ as I mentioned, there are rumors of great bounties ta be collected.”[/color][/b] She was short with her answers, allowing her pointed tone to bring the topic to a close. The wooden chair creaked beneath her as she settled in, her form relaxing finally. She removed her gloves and swept her thick hair behind her shoulders, allowing her face to bloom. A large pitcher of water was placed in front of her, along with the whiskey she had asked for previously. When faced with the choice, she chose the whiskey instead, pouring some in her cup and nearly taking it all down in one gulp. She turned her gaze to Beren with a satisfied smile. [b][color=00CED1]“Thank ya for tha hospitality. Ya got yerself a interestin group ‘ere. Tho I didne see weapons on ya, I suppose ya not locals ‘ere?”[/color][/b] She poured herself some more of the favored drink, ignoring the water, this time sipping at a more normal pace. [@Gardevoiran][@BCTheEntity][@Fetzen][@The Fated Fallen][@POOHEAD189][@Stormflyx][@Mortarion]