A hint of annoyance crept over Benjamin's face at the mention of the term 'unknown', but didn't comment on it and looked at Duncan's arm before looking at him. "Wow," he said. "That is cool. But... your mother, A code? How? I mean... how?" Out of all the things Duncan had said, that was the hardest to grasp. Not that he ever met a Cyborg before, but it was something he had at least heard about. An alien and a cyborg together, for people on earth it could be the plot for a science fiction story. Benjamin had to admit he still had to get used to the idea of aliens and cyborgs, but that was just because he only recently met them. He was much more acquainted with the creatures that were mentioned in lores and legends for centuries. [hr] "Yeah, well, maybe you'll get a chance for revenge," Ethan said. He looked at the smoke escaping from her fist. He wasn't certain who was emitting more smoke at this point, he or Gaia. He inhaled from his cigarette a final time and put out the remains against the stones of the wall as he blew out the smoke. "I'm going to see if they have something to eat," he said. After getting up he only had a coffee, but now he was hungry. And it was about lunchtime too.