[quote=@Blitzy] [@Inkarnate] I'll incorporate Sylva somehow. Did you have any ideas about who she was or just a background character? [/quote] I don’t really have a lot defined for Daemon’s run as [s]Lord Paramount[/s] Ruling Prince of Dorne. I have more defined about Quentyn, Thalina, Loreza, and Morion (and will have more for Tyene soon-ish, I've gotta make Sunspear a spider's web, of course). I would say Sylva’s most historically defining features is her great love of Daemon and that she birthed the identical triplets that were Quentyn, Morion, and Tyene. Anything else that has to be defined is fair game; I imagine she was the sister or daughter of the then Lord of Yronwood. I’m not sure how you want to decide what Yronwood looked like around 325-329.