[hr][hr][center][h1][color=A4FFFC]Sapphire[/color][/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/T8kvjWK.gif[/img][hr][color=A4FFFC][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Mutant Underground - Washington D.C. Station [color=A4FFFC][b]Skills[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] [color=A4FFFC]"...Never thought I'd actually agree with Havok on anything,"[/color] Sapphire muttered under her breath, wondering why Veil seemed perfectly fine letting this newbie into the Underground without having proven herself yet. She understood why Havok wasn't too thrilled, and to her Luna seemed a little bit stuck up, just because she was related to a few people who were big names meant nothing here. The fact that the woman didn't seem to get that at all was sort of hilarious in her mind, but she said nothing more about that. After hearing her words though, Sapphire was a bit more interested in what Luna had to say. This definitely could be considered a problem, especially one that could potentially effect the Underground. [color=A4FFFC]"Okay, that could definitely be a problem..."[/color] she mumbled, thinking about what she had said. She still didn't trust Luna, and in her mind it was going to take Luna more then just information on a new problem that they had in order to get Sapphire to trust her. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=9C00FF][center]Jack Theriot[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/8cef7df7a3be085e0ef8876ec8561515/tumblr_p701xgCmuU1uvcgjlo6_400.gifv[/img][/center][hr][center][color=9C00FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Warehouse C4 [color=9C00FF][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Elasticity[/center][hr][hr] Jack didn't say anything as Blink called for them all to go back to the tunnels, and he was about to head that way when he heard the guards who spotted James. That definitely wasn't a good thing to say the least, and they needed to get out of there fast. Problem was that James was kind of in a bit of a situation at the moment, and he needed a bit of a hand to get out of it so that they could get out of there. He heard Max's words, and glanced over at him as he tried to see about helping out. Though that likely didn't help out their situation at all, since now the building was on fire. [color=9C00FF]"Alright, no big deal, just a little bit of fire, it's okay, everyone makes mistakes every now and then,"[/color] Jack instantly said to Max, figuring that the plan hadn't been to set the building on fire. His feet remained planted on the ground as he essentially stretched out and managed to make his way somewhat over to where the guards were and managed to punch out 2 of them (Guards 1 and 2 specifically), allowing James if need be to go out the front door to avoid falling rubble. With that, he went back to where Max was (and where he technically was still standing) and decided to hell with it, Max needed to move as the building's roof did not look like it was going to hold, and managed to create almost like a sort of roof above Max's head. [color=9C00FF]"Alright, you need to get moving, flaming building bits are going to start falling if you don't get moving. And not sure if we can avoid any sort of bits that may fall to begin with. You need to get over to Blink now!"[/color]