[center][hr][hr][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/thousandyard-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190528/79a72975d5745d8c8bee67ab469ade1d.png[/img][/url][/center][hr][hr] [center][sub][I]"Knowledge is not necessarily wisdom."[/I][/sub][/center] [b]Location:[/b] Egypt - Outpost 12/The Barrow. Head research officer Elijah Thompson threw open the door to his office and stumbled inside. Running over to his desk, which was cluttered with a wide assortment of papers and other official reports, he swept his arm across its smooth metal surface, sending them flying off in random directions. Grabbing his computer and spinning it round, Elijah accessed the bases network. Which was still fully operational thanks to TERRA's habit of reinforcing and quake proofing the bases they used to "contain" the Kaiju they found, if such a term could even be used when it came to these creatures. In his eyes, what he and other members of TERRA did was more like trying to keep water from surging through a hole filled dam using nothing but rolls of duct tape. And very shoddy ones at that. Bringing up a three dimensional schematic of the structure, the first thing Elijah did was check on Apophis's chamber. If that had been damaged or even worse, breached, then everyone in the base was doomed. Examining the long scroll of text streaming down the right side of the screen, Elijah could see that the room itself was still intact. Cracking a slight smile, Elijah sighed in relief as he took a step back from the computer, his body shaking slightly. The area was still undamaged despite the small tremor the pulse had sent through the cave system, which meant that the security of the base had not been compromised thus far. And while he knew that there was little the room Apophis was contained within could do to stop him should he awaken, even with the modifications they had made to the surrounding rock, it thankfully didn't seem to be much of a problem at the moment. With that matter resolved, Elijah moved on to the rest of the outpost and did a quick room by room rundown. Everything was still fully functional and in prime operating condition. Save for that one minor hiccup earlier on, things seemed to have gone back to normal... Or so he thought. For a few seconds later the ear piercing shrieks of klaxons began echoing throughout the subterranean facility as a red warning light switched on overhead, bathing both the office and the hall outside in a crimson, almost blood colored glow, quickly disabusing him of that notion. Muttering a curse as he ran over to the door, Elijah poked his head out of his office and felt his blood run cold as he heard a low guttural growl coming from the other end... Apophis was awake. [hr][hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/ancient-venusian-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190528/ab8fe960af509664f289dc25fccb1c7a.png[/img][/url][/center][hr][hr] <\\:TERRA_ALERT_:_OUTPOST_12_ HAS_BEEN_BREACHED://> <\\:CODENAME_APOPHIS_CAN_NO_LONGER_BE_CONTAINED://> Grayish slits shone in the dim light of the cavern as a low growl, like an earthquake, slowly arose. Letting out a moist exhalation of breath, Apophis lifted his large tendril covered head and shook it a bit in the hopes of clearing that awful ringing noise from his mind. After a few seconds the sound ceased, and Apophis took some time to observe his surroundings. The majority of which had changed greatly. No longer was his nest warm and dark. For scattered all around the floor were tiny yellow objects whose tops emitted white beams of light that illuminated the smooth sandstone he now rested upon, along with many other strange things he could not identify. Peering down at the ground below, the massive snake could see small swarms of tiny creatures gathering around him with odd looking black objects clutched in their hands. He sniffed the air, gazing at the figures more intently now as a familiar scent reached his nostrils.... Humans. And from the smell of sand and spice that seemed to radiate from their bodies in waves, they were the same as the one's he had encountered in ages past. The one's who had attacked him as he glided through the ocean blue skies above all those years ago. The one's who had come into his territory time after time in the hopes of finding and killing him. These humans were part of that very same group. And now they were standing here. In his nest. Letting out an enraged roar that shook the whole cavern, Apophis dug his clawed wings into the ground and pulled himself forward, easily tearing through the measly defenses these pathetic creatures had erected to keep him at bay. Using what little heat he had absorbed from the warm cavern roof during hibernation to help fuel his cold muscles, Apophis slowly slithered and clawed his way to the surface, crushing everything in his path and leaving what was left coated in a thick, clear, saliva like substance. Upon reaching the entrance to his nest, the opening of which had shrunken considerably, Apophis used the weight of his body in combination with the claws on his wings to break free from his home turned prison. Letting out one final roar, both of triumph and slowly fading rage, Apophis burst forth from the dark tunnel and surged out into the sunlit world beyond... [hr] [center][sub][i]The Sun Eater has awoken...[/i][/sub][/center] [hr]