[center][img]https://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/b/b2/Koopa_Troop_artwork.png/658px-Koopa_Troop_artwork.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,332 (3+) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 4 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]/////////////////////////////[/color]///////////// (29/40) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 2 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]//////[/color]//////////////// (6/20) [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 1 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]/////////[/color]/ (9/10) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] Peach’s Castle [/center] The lack of any king sized beds in the castle, and the old wizard Kamek’s inability to be awake all night to size up a bed for him, ment that Bowser had to settled for a rather undignified sleeping spot consisting of the throne room floor. After in-elegantly hanging his suit on the beat up remains of the throne he used the carpet as a mattress, a curtain as a blanket and the rather beat up seat cushion of Megadragonbowser’s throne as a pillow. Jr found him there after returning from his junkyard expedition and had promptly curled up beside his father on the seat cushion for some well deserved rest. A few hours later dawn arrived. Rather than getting up to face it however a barely awoken Bowser Jr merely rolled over and tugged the hood of the mad mantle, which they had used as a blanket, over their eyes and went back to sleep. His father did much the same with the curtain and so the pair were only roused a few minutes later by Kamek banging the butt of his broom against the marble floor. The aging koopa had climbed the stairs up from his laboratory where he had been sleeping in a rocking chair to find the royals sleeping in and resolved to so something about that. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Awaken my masters! It’s a brand new day in this brand new world and both are ripe for conquest!”[/color] Kamek said. He got nothing but a bunch of groaning in response. Kamek sighed and then tried a different line of approach [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Can’t you hear the bacon and eggs sizzling away in the kitchen? I’d be quick if I were you, if you sleep in for any longer the others will gobbled it all up without you.”[/color] This got a response alright as the royal stomachs, demanding that they be sated, drove the two Koopas to get up and go. Kamek grinned to himself as the pair threw off their blankets, threw on their clothes and then rushed towards the kitchen, before he slowly made his way after them. One protein filled breakfast and a fulfillment of basic hygiene requirements later and the Koopa troop was finally ready to face the day, just in time to be called outside. Jr eagerly scurried ahead so he could show off his evening's work. [color=SpringGreen]”Ta-da!”[/color] he announced along with a sideways hand shimy as they came into view of the fleet of Karts. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Excellent work young master!”[/color] Kamek congratulated Jr, while Bowser immediately took note of the largest member of the fleet of car. [color=FD0000]”Oh hay, is that the Bowser Mobile? Man last time I saw that pile of junk it... well it was a pile of junk!”[/color] Bowser said as he approached the vehicle to look it over [color=FD0000]”Ha ha, its looks as good as new!”[/color] he noted before clicking open the door and hopping inside. A click of the keys later and the massive purple muscle car, no worse for wear after its initial bumpy test drive last night, was happily purring along, eager to be let loose on the open road. [color=FD0000]”Great stuff Jr!”[/color] Bowser congratulated his son after he switched the vehicle back off again to stop it from drowning out whatever announcement peach was going to make. The young prince was brimming with glee at having done so well, before he hurried round the back of the Bowser car. [color=SpringGreen]”I also found this!”[/color] Jr said as he came whizzing back into view riding his tiny clown car, currently in its [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/f/fd/Bowser_Jr._Clown_Kart_Dash_Wii_U.jpg]kart configuration[/url], with 4 small cart wheels and 2 massive tailpipes sticking out the bottom in place of the usual propeller. The machine was so small that it barely increased Jr’s profile whatsoever, making him only about a head higher and a touch wider. Spiking up around jr’s seat where his various weapons, from the splatter shot, paint brush and newly added and supper gross Synapse rifle. Other things like the necro smasher, slicer cutter and blooper hood where all aboard, stuffed down in the place where the unlimited unlimited supplies of bombs, Mechakoopas, etc were normally kept. [color=FD0000]”No sign of mine?”[/color] Bowser asked, mostly out of curiosity, at the sight of the miniature machine. [color=SpringGreen]”ah... No papa. Sorry”[/color] Jr responded, disappointed in himself that he hadn't. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”I suspect that it simply didn't fit the definition of kart for whatever force piled this place together, seeing as, unlike your own, it has no wheels.”[/color] Kamek suggested while Bowser directed an upwards held palm to the royal adviser as if to say ‘yeah. That’ [color=SpringGreen]”Oh. Ok!”[/color] Jr responded, cheering right back up before remembering something. [color=SpringGreen]”And for you Kamek.”[/color] he said before whizzing off into the herd of karts and returning a few moments later wheeling the [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/6/6a/Magikruiser-BabyMario.png]Magicruiser[/url] alongside him. [color=SpringGreen]”I got this!”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ah. Uh. That's. Very nice of you...”[/color] he began, while trying to avoid cringing at the ego it would require to ride a vehicle made in your own image, only to be merciful cut off by the beginning of peach’s speech. There was a lot of it to take in. Kamek ended up grumbling about loot box culture under his breath for the latter half of the talk while Bowser was pleased that peach was coming with them. Jr showed interest in the possibility of getting a load of pet Pokemon to add to his army, having fought in smash he knew just how powerful some of them could be, and so hopped out of his clown car to go speak with Steven Stone. While on the way they navigated around the koopa king, that had been claimed by the Rabbids and had a cobbled together lorry trailer strapped to the back of it to create an mad max/orky looking transport for them. Whether they were going to be coming with the party to had just got caught up in the moment last night remained to be seen. Occasional waves and fist-bumps where exchanged as he made his way through their ranks until he finally reached the pokemon paraphernalia salesman. [color=SpringGreen]”You”[/color] said the boy, who’s age was probably first or second closest to the appropriate one expected of someone beginning their pokemon journey [color=SpringGreen]”Can give me the free Pokeballs now.”[/color] An impatient hand was raised, ready to receive the monster catching equipment. The open road called to him and he was eager to set off. It called to Bowser too, who rolled the Bowser Mobile up to start of the road east. Kamek, who had shoved the magikruiser in the boot of the king’s massive car, hovered on his broomstick above the car while giving directions to Bowser tos top him crushing anything/one with his massive vehicle. Once there Bowser turned and leaned over the back oh his car to shout [color=FD0000]”YOU LOT HURRY UP AND GET YOUR KART’S IN GEAR COZ WE’RE RACING TO THE VILLAGE!”[/color] before revving the car’s engine impatiently. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Sire that doesn't seem like the best idea. What if you run into trouble on the way there”[/color] Kamek interjected before Bowser waved off his criticism. [color=FD0000]”Then I’ll run over the trouble!”[/color] Bowser laughed, before adding [color=FD0000]”Besides, you and the other flyers can do the whole Lakitu thing. You know, watch out for trouble, get people back on the road if they fall off it. That sort of thing.”[/color] Kamek sighed as Bowser turned back to the group and shouted at Geno and Donovan [color=FD0000]”GENO. NEW GUY. SCOUT AHEAD FOR TROUBLE IF YOUR FAST ENOUGH, BUT ACTUALLY COME WARN US ABOUT THE STUFF YOU FIND THIS TIME! THAT MEAN YOU PUPPET.”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Then I’m going to make sure you won't immediately hit trouble.”[/color] Kamek said, before turning to go ahead a touch [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Please don’t go anywhere till I’m back Sire.”[/color] he added before he shot up skywards on his broomstick to get a better view of the road ahead. Bowser rolled his eyes and then leaned back in his chair to wait for everyone else to be done with their pre-departure activities.