[hider=Baelor Beesbury] [b]Name:[/b] Ser Baelor Beesbury [b]Alias and Epithets:[/b] Yellowjacket and Baelor Bittersweet [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]House:[/b] Beesbury of Honeyholt [b]Appearance:[/b] There is no question that Baelor is a handsome man. His head is a mess of sandy blonde curls that could prove to be unwieldy if not properly maintained. These curls are accompanied by eyes that are the color of fresh honey, large, striking, and intense. The only takeaway is his numerous freckles, but this only tends to add to a certain boyish charm, especially with a smile that has sent the hearts of many girls fluttering. In the past, Baelor has always kept cleanly shaven, though this has been ignored since his time in Essos. Despite being a few inches short of six feet, he has a warrior’s body, muscular and lean. This tends to promote a certain quickness in battle, which is just as well since he has little other choice. His armor is well-made and simplistic; made of dark gray steel with gray rings that have the singular purpose of keeping him alive. His breastplate once had his personal sigil, a hornet, painted onto it, but it has since been faded and scuffed beyond recognition. However, his shield still displays the sigil, with it being repainted every so often. [b]Personality:[/b] Baelor is quite well-known for his hot temper, even as early as childhood, which led to many thrusting the moniker of [i]Yellowjacket[/i] onto him. As such, he inevitably adopted a hornet as his personal sigil, as a way to differentiate himself from the main line of House Beesbury. His temper has become quite legendary, with even the smallest things apt to set him off in a blind fury, which can be useful enough on a battlefield. Still, there are others who refer to him as Baelor Bittersweet, a name that he openly detests. Even so, he is quite bitter in several aspects. Bitter towards his cousins who had to work little towards want was ultimately handed to them. Bitter that he has to scrape by in Essos as a common mercenary, of which he adamantly believes is far below him. And bitter that he has so far been deprived of the glory that he’s entitled to. Beyond anything else, he’s thirsty for glory, if only to earn his rightful place among Westerosi knights of legend. It’s what pushed him into becoming a tourney knight, in which he was largely successful, at least on a local level. His own vanity led him to adopt a different persona for this, one of a chivalrous and courteous knight. It had the intended effect, winning the affection of the smallfolk and women. As his ego became inflated, it led him to debt problems concerning buying the most expensive and elaborate armor, the best horses, and other luxurious items, if only to raise his own status. This would lead to a chain of events that would eventually land him in Essos. [b]History:[/b] Baelor was born to the youngest son of the Lord of Honeyholt, which placed him quite far down the line of succession when factoring in his uncles and cousins. When he was just a boy, Baelor’s father died fighting in Robert’s Rebellion and his mother died from an illness not long after, leaving him entirely under the supervision of his eldest uncle, who had since become the Lord of Honeyholt. He got along with his uncle reasonably well, but he often quarrelled with his cousins, as they were often held to an entirely different standard than Baelor, which infuriated him. They received the finest arms, armor, and horses, with what Baelor was left with was secondhand at best, and sometimes he was even forced to share equipment with the castle garrison. It had been Baelor’s view, even back then, that they weren’t truly worthy of it. He was vastly better than his cousins when it came to swordsmanship and horsemanship, both of which they barely took seriously. They clearly benefited from being the son of the reigning lord. It was on more than a single occasion in which Baelor was forced to go easy on his cousins whenever they sparred in the yard or hunted, otherwise he’d receive a beating for making his cousins look foolish. It didn’t take long for Baelor to become embittered against his own family. Baelor would squire for his uncle during the Greyjoy Rebellion, while his cousins stayed within the safety of Honeyholt. During the Siege of Pyke, an Ironman archer managed to kill his uncle, which briefly caused chaos amongst the men he had been in command of. It was then left to Baelor to rally the Beesbury forces to overtake the section of wall that they had been entrusted with, in which he avenged his uncle in the process. Once the fighting was done, Baelor was knighted for his bravery despite his young age, among many others. Nearly a month passed from the end of the rebellion until Baelor finally made it back to Honeyholt, due to all the festivities and celebrations held within that time. Baelor expected some recognition upon his return to Honeyholt, but he received nothing, other than his lordly cousin essentially blaming Baelor for the death of his father. His cousin did offer him a common place in the garrison, but Baelor took that as a slight and turned his back on Honeyholt. After his departure from Honeyholt, his options were limited, as was his coin. He was of a singular mind to dedicate himself in becoming a tourney knight; he was a good swordsman and an even better horseman, after all. Since he would need to eventually pay for better equipment, it made sense to join the City Watch of Oldtown. They were always in need of good men, and a knight of a prominent noble house was the sort to be groomed for eventual command. In any case, it was stable pay and he needed the gold. Soon enough he had the gold needed to pay for basic equipment and a decent horse, and began to enter himself in local tourneys. He had considerable success in these tourneys, becoming a local celebrity in the process. As his fame increased, so did his vanity. He began to spend more gold than he had on expensive armor with exquisite engravings from the finest armorsmith in Oldtown, usually commissioned great lords like the Hightowers. He did the same on weapons, horses, and gifts for noble women he had taken an interest in. It wasn’t long before he was deeply in debt. It wasn’t long before he was confronted by a commander of the City Watch who was responsible for the city’s port. He was running a smuggling ring that brought in all kinds of contraband into the Seven Kingdoms. It didn’t take much more than manipulating records and looking the other way- and it was far more lucrative than Baelor’s basic pay. He could hardly refuse. Baelor returned to the lavish lifestyle that he had already become accustomed to, without any more debt problems. It went on like this for some time, until the day came when one of the other conspirators was too drunk to perform his duties, and Baelor took over for him. These duties included inspecting cargo that was to be shipped out, and it was much to Baelor’s astonishment that he found a ship filled with people. Some of these were prisoners destined for the Night’s Watch. Others were were prostitutes. The rest were of variety of people that no one would ever miss. He instantly knew that these people were being sent to be sold into slavery. Normally, Baelor couldn’t be bothered to care about these sort of people, but even he couldn’t stand for slavery. Privately, he confronted his commander, and with his temper getting the better of him, broke his commander’s jaw. At this point, the conspirators would surely kill him to keep him silent, and the City’s Watch hardly looked favorably towards someone who would strike their own commander. So, he decided to smuggle himself onto one of the ships headed for Essos, though he did manage to leave an anonymous tip about the smuggling ring with Ser Moryn Tyrell. Baelor did get some amusement out of this entire ordeal when he received word months later that the smuggling ring had been dismantled and the conspirators’ heads placed on spikes along the city’s wall. Once in Essos, it was difficult for him to scrape by, considering there wasn’t a lot he was able to take with him. Eventually, he managed to earn some decent coin as a member of a household guard, but he truly detested being a glorified bodyguard to pompous merchants. Baelor briefly considered joining the Night’s Watch, since a knight of his caliber could easily rise to command, but he was too prideful to take that route just yet. That was when he heard word of a newly formed sellsword company looking for men. There was a time in which he viewed mercenary work below him, but he only need a little more gold before he could make way for King’s Landing, and he was certain that he could squeeze more gold out of the idiot captain besides. [b]Skills:[/b] Baelor is a skilled swordsman and warrior, having been taught by a proper master-at-arms since his childhood. The same goes for horsemanship, having spent his childhood riding, as well as the years he spent as a tourney knight - which also made him wickedly deadly with a lance. He had the benefit of a noble’s education, so he’s already a head above most of the rabble that call themselves sellswords. However, he’s more of a soldier than a battlefield commander, and would probably be a good man to command a garrison. [b]Equipment:[/b] His time spent in Essos has truly made the quality of his equipment suffer, and now he looks more a sellsword than knight. His primary weapon is a longsword, often carried at his hip, though he utilizes his lance in the initial charge. His armor is dark gray steel with gray rings, accompanied by a matching helmet. He rides upon a basic warhorse that he had to settle for, lacking the coin to purchase anything superior, and this is where he stores the other basic items necessary for a knight on campaign. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] His greatest fear involves attending a wedding. [/hider]