[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi40YjliNjEuUTJWeVpYTSwuMAAA/quikhand.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=138309]South America - Outpost 35 <\\:TERRA_ALERT_:_OUTPOST_35_ HAS_BEEN_BREACHED://> <\\:CODENAME_CERES_CAN_NO_LONGER_BE_CONTAINED://>[/color] "Okay. Thank you." Site Manager Juarez solemnly nodded, putting down the rotary phone-- It might have been a ramshackle relic of a bygone era, but it was somehow the best they could do after the massive tremor knocked out not only most of their technology out at Outpost 35, but all of TERRA's stations worldwide, as well as most of civilization suffered blackouts. All of TERRA's locations across the globe were thrown into a frenzy, with most major communications being an absolute nono. Right now they were all scrambling to try and get an image of what the hell was happening, as well as trying to get their electronics back online. Juarez tried directing the manpower of his own facility, deep away from civilization-- But he was filled with dread. The phonecall he just finished had admitted that yet [i]another[/i] Titan had awakened. This wasn't just some EMP or solar phenomena-- Whatever disabled most of the world's electricity was also [i]awakening[/i] the massive Beasts that humanity had enjoyed such a utopian existence turning the absence of-- Like mice making merry while the cat was away. He knew Outposts were practically a farce-- Just a means of watching for signs of stirs. They relied too much on longevity of the situation, Juarez himself even comforting himself on the fact that they very likely might not awaken in his own lifetime. But now, like dominoes these bestial gods were slowly awakening, and mere hours were all that stood between humanity and absolute genocide. His own facility was next, he knew it. He hardly even knew the nature of the beast he was guarding, left that all up to the researchers and biologists at his facility. Some sort of massive plantile being, who only mildly shifted and caused unnatural flora in the surrounding area. That was TERRA's bigger interest, the effect their own creature had on the environment. Apparently it caused entire villages to become overgrown in mere hours, and turned wildlife exceptionally aggressive. As a consequence the containment field was much larger and loose than other Titans. Terror and dread overpowered Juarez; He practically locked himself in his office, with just a phone. He had to be strong, even if it meant his colleagues couldn't see him. Then, it finally happened. While the crew at Outpost 35 managed to get a backup generator up and running shortly after The Wave, once again another tremor overrode the area, and knocked the power out. Initially some present thought it was another Wave that shook the entire world. But within moments that theory was proven incorrect. A massive scope of land gradually began to rise, crumbling the earth and causing an avalanche to spread outwards across the facility. Meanwhile, the flora that already needed to be kept at bay day and night began to rapidly grow. Some tried to use their advanced tools to try and trim it back down, only lasting seconds before the facility's collapse forced them to evacuate. Eventually the rising mound came to a halt-- Before the megafloral entity shrugged off it's cloak of dirt and grass, revealing it's true form. A towering entity, of uncontrolled growth of bark that covered it's entire body. Yet despite it's plantile nature, it had a very clear visage of a face-- A long, drooping jaw, covered in massive hanging vines. It's wicked, gnarled eyes somehow glew even in the blazing dawn of the sun. [b][i]Ceres[/i][/b]. Despite the catastrophic destruction to the facility, some of the security managed to mount a counterattack-- Five helicopters, less than even 20 men in total. They managed to attract the entity's attention, turning one of it's eyes to glare at them. The fleet responded with firing rockets-- A few zagging projectiles of light, practically pebbles to the Titan. After a few initial shots, the Titan knelt down, placing one of it's arms on the ground, as if wounded. "Holy shit, we're doing it! Keep firing, it's going--" The enthusiastic captain was abruptly cut off as his entire helicopter was completely snatched with a massive spire of tendrils that rose from the ground, completely wrapping the vehicle before crushing it. Three of the other copters also suffered similar fates, being gripped straight out of the sky, smashed under the pressure of the roots and slammed into the ground. The last remaining helicopter tried to escape, turning from the fight and quickly flying off-- To which another tendril rose, leaning to the side as it whipped it out of the air. With the scant resistance quickly overrun, and the rest of the facility being overgrown by wild and hostile flora, it seemed Ceres' initial awakening went smoothly. Until it saw an Armored Personnel Carrier quickly speeding off as fast as the damned moving brick would allow, outrunning the growth of plants. Ceres growled in annoyance, but made no extraneous efforts to stop them. It retracted it's arm from the ground, causing the massive tendrils to wilt and harden. Then, it began its massive charge in the direction of the vehicle, towards the closest bastion of civilization. Within a matter of hours, mankind would be no more.