[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DLGhcA0.png[/img] [sub]The Learner, The Martial Dancer, The Compassionate, The Wanderer[/sub] & [h1]Qiang Yi and Zhengwu Crew[/h1] [/center] [hr] Arya stood before the statue of Shengshi, under the light of the Lustrous Garden. Wrapped in a bedsheet of white, she obscured her head except for two black eyes that peered out, unwavering and sorrowful as she stared into the statue’s false eyes. Uncanny as it was, she had to remind herself it was not him in the flesh, yet his gaze was ever like she remembered. Hard to please, and even easier to disappoint. She missed him a lot, she realized. Even if he never wanted to see her again, a part of her still hoped he did. As crazy as it seemed. The girl let out a small sigh. Many nights and days had passed since she had stood before it, having faltered the first time she had been asked to join the crew in prayer and then after and after. Each time she came up with a different excuse, but she was running out of them. It was even worse because she could not bring herself to go to Ashalla’s less they think she was avoiding his Holiness. Perhaps it was better to avoid them both, or not, but she needed to stop the excuses. It was time to confront her fear. Arya fell to her knees before the shrine and took a deep breath. She shut her eyes, then said aloud, [color=ivory]“Your… Your Holiness. It’s me, Arya. I… I’m so sorry. For what I did. For how I left. For the loss of the servants. For your home’s destruction. For running away. I’m so, so sorry. I realized my mistake… just after leaving you know. I feel so ashamed, even now and… my guilt. I'm guilty.”[/color] she stifled tears as her voice broke. [color=ivory]“They say this is supposed to help, that it’s supposed to do something. But I feel much the same as I have been.”[/color] she finished, wiping her cheeks. “Sometimes, knowing that you have a guardian who will listen to your fears and comfort you in your darkest hours, is enough,” came a deep, familiar voice in her head, followed by a ‘scwulp’ in a nearby bucket of freshwater. She sat up, looking around to make sure she was alone. The deck was empty of people, save for a few scrubbing the deck near the bow, and she turned back to the statue. She gulped and said, [color=ivory]“Your Holiness, is that really you? I didn’t think you would respond… The servants, they never say whether you do or not… I… I…”[/color] she let out. “The servants are young, still, and their voyage is a phenomenal feat of mortality - they will get their reward in time. Until then, they will be content in knowing their lord watches over them, and that I have enough faith in them not to counsel them at every turn… You, however, I have actually wanted to speak to for a time…” There was a pause, one of agitating length. “... How have you been?” She smiled warmly at the question. [color=ivory]“Oh your holiness, it’s so good to hear your voice. I’ve missed you so much. I… I have been good. Better now. I call Split-Tooth and Penelope my friends, I travelled to Choppy’s sphere and delivered a drink called coffee, I got wounded by a foul creature and ended up on Tendlepog and I… I have two mothers now, your holiness and I love them so, so much. And the boys, they are so precious and loved. They will grow to be fine people under the tutelage of Hermes and Xiaoli, have no fear about that. Oh, there’s so much else that’s happened, good and bad. But your Holiness, how have you been?”[/color] she asked sweetly. The voice laughed quietly. “How I have been is of little importance, dear. This is your prayer, after all. But my, that is quite an adventure. I am happy to hear that you came upon dear Hermes and Xiaoli - they are precious, indeed. I must make my way over there once more soon… Now you are on Zhengwu, I see. Your adventure will keep testing you, it seems.” There was a concerned grumble. “You know how dangerous this journey may prove to be, yes?” She let out a small sigh, then said, [color=ivory]“I know, all too well such dangers your holiness. They needed help, and I gladly went when asked. It was the right thing to do, for if you say such a journey is dangerous to me, think of how they might fare. I will be fine, I did not come unprepared.”[/color] she said. There came a tickling hiss in her head. “Guilt is a poor motivator, dear… Is this truly a decision you have made from the bottom of your heart?” She seemed to shrink at the hiss, her ploy so easily seen through. [color=ivory]“I… Before I knew how easily it was to talk to you, I decided to go out of guilt, yes. Now though, my decision has never been more clear. Please do not tell them, your holiness. But after watching them do their jobs, laugh and socialize, I would have regretted not going if I yielded. My motivation is now only to protect them and see that this quest goes smoothly.”[/color] she said proudly. “I see. Good, good.” There was another gentle chuckle. “You have changed so much, yet not at all. Your strong heart remains just as mighty as before. Though, it is a shame that we did not talk earlier.” [color=ivory]“I regret that, your holiness. I wish I had know how easy it was, I would have come back eventually, most likely after this quest was finished. I still have to find Penelope and Split too. We got seperated. But I thank you for your kind words, your holiness. Though… are you not angry with me for what I did?”[/color] “Angry, no, no… Well, in the beginning, I was…” There was another pause. “Yet as time went by, I realised that your reaction had its reasons. The feeling of betrayal is a powerful one, and it made for an ideal moment to bless the Servants with new life. Now, all that remains is regret that we have not met in so long. However, there is another reason as to why it is unfortunate that we did not speak before. You see, your sister is looking for you.” [Color=ivory]“Excuse me, my what?"[/color] she said dumbfounded. “You have a sister, dear,” the voice said. “A young, flirtatious lady named Laurien. She is currently looking for you without a single clue to go on.” Her world seemed to flip upside down, and she suddenly felt faint. Weakly she said, [color=ivory]“I have a sister… Laurien? Laurien… But how? Why? Father never made another child on Veradax. I thought he didn’t even want me, but… I’m so confused, your holiness. Why is she looking for me? Flirtatious? Is that like a color or something?”[/color] “She said she wanted to meet her sister, if I recall. As for flirtatious, well, someone will likely tell you when you are older.” He hummed. “Your father is an odd one, that is certain…” She let out a groan, unsure of what to exactly feel. [color=ivory]“Well, what does she look like?”[/color] The voice paused. “Tall, like you. Bright, like you. Yet she is considerably more… Developed, if you will. It is difficult to describe.” She let out a defeated sigh and flung herself onto her back, looking up at the night sky. [color=ivory]“I should be excited, even happy. But… All I feel is jealousy. I don’t even know her, and I’m already judging her. Father gave her that name, no doubt about it and he probably gave her many other things. Things I… No… I can’t think like that, can I? It is what is. This is a lot to take in, defiantly and I can’t even imagine where to begin when we meet. Ugh, what do I do?”[/color] she asked aloud. “Your reaction is natural, dear, yet she harbours naught but love and admiration for you - she was given all that you have earned through hard work and trials, paling in comparison to the powerful soul inhabiting that body of yours.” There was another hiss. “For now, you are to finish the mission; afterwards, you may seek me out, and I will arrange a meeting if it has not already happened.” Heartened by his words, she used her hands to sit up and looked at the statue again. [color=ivory]“Of course, your holiness. If she hasn’t already found me, I will seek you out and if she has, I will seek you out regardless. I know not how long this quest will take us, but I believe time will fly by regardless. Thank you, for everything you’ve done for me, your holiness. It means more to me, then you know.”[/color] she said softly. “Oh, it was nothing, dear… Thank you for everything you taught me, as well. I am looking forward to the next time we meet… Now, I believe I sense someone approaching.” Right on cue, footsteps were making their way up the staircase behind her to the right. Panicking, she kowtowed in front of the statue, acting as if she was deep in prayer and waited to see who would show up. “O-oh! My Lady Arya,” said Yong Mei, assistant quartermaster to Zeng En. Her bulky appearance cast a rather masculine shadow over the plank deck in the light of the Garden. She tapped her fingers together. “... Is… Is this one disturbing?” Slowly she looked up at Yong Mei and blinked before giving a radiant smile. [color=ivory]“No! Not at all, Yong Mei. If anything, I’m the one disturbing.”[/color] she said happily. “O-oh, no, no! Don’t say that. This one can wait until Your Ladyship is done, no problem!” She sat down facing the deck. After a second, she turned, gave Arya a thumb-up and looked back ahead. Arya gave a kind smile, then rose to her full height. She felt taller for some reason, as of late. Perhaps she was growing after all? She quickly shoved such a thought away and said in a warm voice, [color=ivory]“Worry not, I was just finishing.”[/color] she finished with a yawn. [color=ivory]“Come to pray?”[/color] Yong Mei blinked over to her again and blushed. “Y-yeah… There’s this… No, no, never mind. One is not supposed to discuss one’s prayers.” She stood up and walked over to the statue, her head inclined all the way. Arya cocked her head in surprise at the sight of the blush. She knew, having seen Xiaoli and Hermes, even herself, that it meant embarrassment. But what did Yong Mei have to be embarrassed about? She couldn’t help but smile at the girl, thinking her silly. [color=ivory]“Of course, of course.”[/color] she said giving a small bow, [color=ivory]“Have a good night, Yong Mei!”[/color] “Y-you, too, My lady!” Yong Mei said, returning the bow. As Arya went back down to the deck, she could see Yong Mei behind her casting herself to the floor and whispering to the statue. Tired as she was, Arya felt restless, and instead of going below deck to her soft bed, she continued on to the bow of the ship. Under the moon the waves were subtle, like gently rolling hills. Her eyes played tricks in the dark however, and several times she thought she saw something flicker in the water, but it always escaped her. She crossed the deck on upon the other side she leaned against the railing, looking out into the far distance. What she thought as waves, quickly became something else as they were unmoving on the horizon. It was land, the Dragon’s Foot perhaps? They would know more tomorrow for sure, but the sight was a welcome one. And upon the Dragon’s Foot, Laurien was looking for her. Her sister. [color=ivory]“My sister.”[/color] she said aloud to herself. She had never felt anything when hearing the word, but now saying it and knowing it be true, elicited a small smile. Though she had Hermes and Xiaoli, her mothers and the boys, her brothers, there was something special about having a bloodkin of her own. [color=ivory]“I have a sister!”[/color] she said happily, before beginning the journey to her bed. “OH, BY SHENGSHI!” came a shout from the bow, followed by two screams. Arya spun around instantly, her heart beginning to race as she flung off her bedsheet, flying to the source of the shout. A servant came running towards the staircase down to the belowdecks. “ALARM!” he shouted. “THE HORROR OF THE DEPTHS HAS RETURNED!” Her heart began to race at the mentioning of a horror, but she quickly pulled herself together and continued on. Below the deck sounded the drums of a plethora of feet hammering against the wooden boards towards the stairs. The night was black as soot save for the shine of the Lustrous Garden, but cloaked in the robe of nocturnal shadows was the mirage of a distinct shape under the singular light in the sky - a bulbous form that gave Arya an eerie sensation that it was observing her. Qiang Yi ascended the staircase, followed by the rest of the crew, many of them armed with sticks and tools. Qiang Yi looked around at the surrounding seas - it seemed that the bulb had dived. “What’s going on?” called someone from the back if the mob. “Cap’n!” shouted the crew member that had summoned them. “I saw’r it! A big one! Like the one we fought last time! Oh, Shengshi, what will we--” “Calm yourself, master Buqiong,” the captain said, firm in his words, yet the night evidently hid a quite visible hint of fear on his face. “Did anyone else see it?” The other two crew mates who had been scrubbing the bow deck raised shaky hands. “Lady Arya?” asked the captain and all eyes turned to her. [Color=ivory]"There is something down there, Captain. I don't know what, but it's big."[/color] came Arya's reply. To say she was worried was an understatement and memories of the time she swam in the ocean for her life came to mind. There were dangerous things in the deep and they hungered. Qiang Yi closed his eyes and grit his teeth together. "Curses," he spat. "Zhen-zhen, where is the nearest shore?!" "Should be due port side, captain, but we are quite a distance away!" she called back as she assumed her place by the tiller up above. Qiang Yi sucked in a deep breath. "All men and women, to your stations! Bring out the oars and take us port-wise! Move it, people!" The crew scrambled to grab the oars and furl the main sail. In twenty minutes, nearly all crew members were hard at work rowing the vessel hard to port, towards the northern edge of the Dragon's Foot in the distance. There was something up ahead - a thick blanket of fog. Zeng En ran up the stairs to the helmsman post. "Cap'n! Are we really sailin' into the Dragon's Strait?!" he bellowed. Qiang Yi shook his head defiantly and wiped some itchy sea foam off his forehead. "No, we will only pass over it. The ship can handle it!" Li Shan came running up behind Zeng En, waving his arms in warning. "Terrible idea, captain! The water will wrinkle and boil the bark hull!" "She will hold!" Qiang Yi replied stubbornly. As the crew sprang to action, Arya was left to her own devices. She wanted to help but knew not what to do. She stared down into the water once again, trying to see if anything was amiss. She thought she could see something like stars beneath the waves, and the garden-light reflected briefly off what might have been an eye. Whatever it was, it seemed to get more distant as the ship approached hotter waters. Meanwhile, the wind against her face picked up as the boat gathered considerable speed - almost fifteen servants on each broadside, each pushing and pulling their oar like their lives depended on it. The light of the Lustrous Garden did little to aid the captain and crew in locating the shore, but the horizon seemed to grow craggier as time went on. The air also grew unbearably hot. Li Shan once more came up to Qiang Yi, his eyes wide with horror. “Captain! We must turn out to sea again! Already the hull is quivering!” “Is the horror still on our tail?!” Qiang Yi demanded back. “Lady Arya, do you see anything?!” [Color=ivory]"I saw it, but it seems to be gone!"[/color] she shouted to him. The captain swallowed and grit his teeth together. “Very well, then,” he said quietly to Arya and turned to the deck. “HARD TO STARBOARD! Out to sea!” The tiller was pushed to the left and the oars turned hard. The momentum nearly tossed several crew members off the side. The steam in the air had begun to cloud the deck - many could not see their neighbour, even. Panic infected the crew as neither the sea nor the shore could be seen. “Row forward, you squirts!” bellowed Zhen-zhen as she kicked the deck planks. The rowing began again, but the rhythm was out of sync. The hull began to whine and creak. “CAPTAIN!” came a panicked call from below deck. “Maintain focus, people! One-two, one-two, one-two!” the captain shouted at the top of his simulated lungs. Bit by bit, the rhythm reformed and the ship picked up the pace again. As the speed grew higher, so did the cloud cover grow fainter. Soon, the open sea was visible again, flanked on the left by the shore of northern Dragon’s Foot and the faint, faint silhouette of Xishan in the distance. Qiang Yi wiped his brow and looked around. “Did everyone survive?!” he called. “Captain!” came a voice from the belowdecks once more. Qiang Yi’s eyes widened and he sprinted down along with Zeng En. Arya anxiously followed along. Below the deck, the situation seemed very much under control, save for an incredibly close atmosphere and a tormenting heat. However, as they explored more of the hull, they found Li Shan and several other carpenters standing in a crescent around something. Upon closer inspection, they found that one of the crates had tipped over and spilled its contents. Tong Lao knelt down and poked at the bloody mess. “What… Is this?” he managed through the disgust. “That is none of our business!” Qiang Yi bellowed. “Clean it up this instant!” Even as the crew scrambled to scoop the meat bits into the crate again, Li Shan and Zeng En stood staring at it in disbelief. Qiang Yi could not help but stare ceaselessly at it, too. “Cap’n, are we… Are we delivering--” “What we are delivering is not for us to discuss and conspire about! Is the hull intact?” Li Shan spoke an absent-minded “yes, captain,” but continued to look unblinkingly. Qiang Yi gave up with a sigh and nodded. “Good… Make certain every bit is accounted for, and… And deliver your reports after it is done…” On the way back out, Qiang Yi gave Arya a concerned expression. “Lady Arya, are you alright?” Her eyes had narrowed into slits at the sight of the flesh, silent alarms were going off in her head at what they were delivering. She had not expected flesh, and as she looked around at all the crates, she was incredibly unsettled. How had K’nell made no mention of this to her? Did Hermes and Xiaoli know what she was actually getting into? She felt disgusted at the mere thought of hauling flesh of a creature she was glad she never got to see in life. It took her a moment to respond to the Captain, words briefly escaping her. But when she turned to look at Qiang Yi, there was no smile on her face, but a look of suspicion. [color=ivory]”I am fine, captain.”[/color] she said, running her hands through her hair. [color=ivory]”But we need to have a little chat.”[/color] she said boldly. Qiang Yi sighed and nodded. “Naturally. Come, let us return to the helm and talk.” The captain gathered his hands behind his back and walked up the staircase to the deck. Behind him, servants were scooping up the icky masses with planks and improvised shovels, all the while gagging and sneering. Momentarily surprised at the fact she was listened to, Arya waited a moment before following after Qiang Yi. The walk was quiet, far too quiet for her own liking but she understood the weight and pressure the captain had to be feeling. But that didn't really matter, because she needed answers. When they arrived on the helmsman post, Arya blurted out, [color=ivory]"What's in the boxes?"[/color] "I don't know," said Qiang Yi with a sigh. "It was not my place to ask. The Sovereign of Sleep made His request, and it is only natural that these lowly servants carry out His Holiness' will without objection or question. The contents of the boxes were not, are not and will not be of importance to us, with the exception that they be delivered unspoiled." [Color=ivory]"But that was [i]flesh[/i], flesh!"[/color] she said, pacing back and forth in front of him. [Color=ivory]"Don't you see how that might be important to know? I am sorry if you feel differently, Captain, but those boxes are important whether you want to believe it or not."[/color] she said with concern in her voice. Her thoughts turned to what or who the flesh had belonged too and she simply did not know. "No, it is not!" the captain retorted. "Regardless of what it is, speculation will only sow the seeds of discontent and mutiny. With all due respect, Lady Arya, please drop it. It will be cleaned up and forgotten and the quest will carry on." [Color=ivory]"Let's hope you're right then."[/color] she said glaring at him. After a moment of silence between the two, Arya gave a small bow and then said, [color=ivory]"Captain."[/color] in a soft voice before turning to leave. Qiang Yi felt a clump in his throat and groaned quietly. In the distant horizon, dawn was slowly peeking over the edge, spilling red light over the dark sea and cloudy must. Behind him, Zhen-zhen pinched her lips together and muttered, "What was that about?" "An unfortunate accident, first mate, that is all," the captain replied. "We will have to ensure that it does not reoccur once more. From now on, guards will keep watch in the storage room. Have Lady Arya's bed moved to the far back. It will be uncomfortable, but something tells me she may be a little too curious for her own good." He placed his hand on his chin in thought. "You think she will object?" asked Zhen-zhen. "Naturally," answered the captain, "But most of all, I hope she will understand." "Let's hope together, then," she replied and shook her head. Qiang Yi descended the staircase to the deck and headed for the bow. Around him, the crew were slowly packing up the oars and going about their duties. The captain arrived by the figurehead and folded his hands in prayer. "Oh, most blessed Ashalla, Queen of Oceans and sovereign of the seas - a most terrible thing occurred today. Once more, a beast from the depths gave chase to our vessel. However, by the grace of Your divine blessing, these servants thankfully escaped. Oh, thank You, great Ashalla - thank You for Your mercy and Your generosity to these most insignificant specks. These servants offer Your divine self our undying loyalty and love - for You are our Queen." He kowtowed five times before the figurehead. "Thank you," he whispered. He then stood up again and gazed outwards across the sea. They had left the tumultuous seas of the Dragon's Strait, and once more they were sailing docile coastal waters. The itch of sea spray had he long since grown used to, and now all he could do was appreciate the beauty of the vast ocean. Behind him, the bow sail formed a wall between him and the rest of the crew. Here, at least, he was completely alone with his thoughts. As Qiang Yi watched the ocean under the light of dawn, it eventually became apparent that one of the bulges in the water was not a wave, but something more solid, and moving closer. The captain blinked, at first not believing his own eyes, but could not force himself to move once he did. Even his voice worked against him, hiding for its life in his throat. All he could do was stare at the bullet in the water coming for him. Had he perhaps upset Ashalla at some point and incurred her wrath? Was this a visit from her, perhaps? Was this some rogue monster hungry for a snack? All were possibilities, all were terrifying. The bulge slowed its approach as Qiang Yi watched, then water parted around it as the bulge rose. An oval-shaped body which was easily as large as the ship was plainly in view, and on the end closest to the ship, just below the water’s surface, were two large eyes which seemed to look straight at the captain. Then, suddenly, a burst of turquoise rippled over the creature’s body, replacing the navy blue which had camouflaged it before. A spiral of magenta twisted into the turquoise, and spots of primrose blossomed across its mantle. Qiang Yi stood marvelling at the sight, entranced by the colours and patterns. He felt gruesome fear hammer at him from the inside, yet perhaps… He stretched out a hand towards the beast. "You… You aren't hostile, are you?" As Qiang Yi reached out, the beast slowly swam forwards until it was close enough to reach the ship. One eye sitting just beneath the waves angled itself to look at Qiang Yi, and a tentacle lifted out of the water. Sea water poured past toothed suckers as big as the servant as the tentacle rose towards him. As it came within reach of his hand, the tip of the tentacle shifted colour to match Qiang Yi’s sandy skin and even adopted a coarse texture. The captain's eyes widened and he touched what essentially felt much like the hand of a brother, if not a little wetter than usual. He squeezed gently as he would shake a hand, and spoke, "No… You aren't hostile at all." A smile formed on his lips. "You are a blessing from our Queen." Behind the sail, screams and calls for oars blasted through the air. Qiang Yi snapped out of his trance and turned. He gave the beast a confident nod and ducked under the sail. The deck was in chaos. The panic of an ambush had caused several servants to trip over one another in search of oars or a place to hide. Zeng En tried to wrestle apart two sailors fighting over an oar when Qiang Yi bellowed, "EVERYBODY! CALM DOWN!" It did little to soothe the tumult. Having been tired already, Arya was about to head below deck when the shouting started again and the crew began to panic. She turned to look as the sad sight, growing embarrassed for them. That was until she saw what the commotion was about and her eyes went wide. The great sea beast had moved around to the port side of the ship and had moved back. Its mantle stuck out of the water, a backdrop of lime fading to turquoise with stripes of cream and lavender rolling across it, while two eyes watched from just below the water. Whereas half the crew prepared oars, the other reached for sharpened sticks and tools. Qiang Yi gaped and waved his hands wildly. "NO! STAND DOWN! IT'S FRIENDLY!" Still no response, and Zeng En hurries over to the side of the ship with his group of harpooneers. The mighty quartermaster stretched his arm back, aimed for one of the eyes and-- There was a tearing sound, a crunch of gravel and a quiet 'plop'. Zeng En stared in horror as his javelin stuck deep into Qiang Yi's chest and out through his back. The thundering steps on the deck all went silent as the captain pushed himself up and pulled the spear out with a pained groan. He tossed it to the side and clutched the open hole in his robe, out which water slowly trickled. As soon as she had seen Qiang Yi get stabbed, Arya had turned her attention to him and with haste began to fly to his location. "This… This creature… Is a blessing from Ashalla!" he bellowed through the agony and pointed over the side to the colourful beast. "We will not, ugh, -NOT- insult our Queen's generosity by harming it!" The deck was silent as Arya landed next to the Captain. There was great concern in her eyes but she did not hesitate to put his arm around her shoulder and support him. Though she was taller then he, Arya bent slightly to make him comfortable. She then turned to look at the crew shaking her head, and said, [color=ivory]"Panic does nothing but cause more problems. I am disappointed that most of you lack such discipline. It is most concerning but it can also be fixed!"[/color] she said cheerfully. The crewmembers hung their heads in unison. Qiang Yi looked up at Arya and smiled faintly. "What do you propose, then?" Meanwhile, two servants of the Noble, one carrying a bucket of sand and the other a bucket of water, came over and began patting together the wound on the captain's chest. [Color=ivory]"I know all of you are part of your own castes, but this does not mean you cannot learn from the others. Especially the warriors, for this quest needs all to be capable. Self defense is the only way you can protect yourself and I know a style of fighting that any can benefit from, if you accept my offer."[/color] she said sheepishly. Arya realized it sounded silly coming from her own mouth and she had no idea what she was doing either, but something had to change to prevent such panicking. Zeng En and the Strong all put on collective smiles; Li Shan and the Skilled were slightly less enthusiastic; Wang Huangxia and the Noble seemed outright appalled by the idea. "What sort of style?" Yong Mei asked happily. [Color=ivory]"Dancing!"[/color] Arya giggled. Now the reactions had completely flipped: The Noble clapped enthusiastically at the idea; the Skilled still shrugged and meh'd; the Strong looked utterly disappointed. "How droll!" Wang exclaimed excitedly. "What type of dance is it? And what music goes with it?" Yong Mei frowned and crossed her broad arms over her broader chest. "Didn't you say it was a martial art?" Zeng En nodded disappointedly. Arya looked at Wang and smiled, before she cocked her head at Yong Mei and Zeng En. [Color=ivory]"You'll see. I am tired now and need some rest, but most assured I will show any who want to learn the form of Martial Dancing. Later perhaps?"[/color] she said sleepily, turning to Qiang Yi. The onlookers now all looked disappointed, but since there was nothing to be done, they bowed in unison towards Arya and went about cleaning up after the chaos. Qiang Yi smiled weakly up at Arya. "Well done. You kept your demeanour. You'll earn their respect in no time at this pace." He grimaced a bit as the healers dabbed some more sand onto the wound. "Not that they don't respect you, but.. You know." He straightened up and looked over the side. The kraken, which a minute earlier has lit up the sea with a rainbow of colours and a plethora of patterns, had disappeared. [Color=ivory]"I understand, Captain. Probably more than most."[/color] she said softly. Qiang Yi nodded. “We’ll get there. Now…” He waved the nurses off and rolled his shoulders. “... I must return to my duties. We will speak more later.” He bowed to Arya. Reluctantly, she let go of the Captain and nodded as he left, returning the bow. Arya then went off, blinking as she did. What had she gotten herself into now? [hider=Summary] Arya hasn’t joined in on Sunday prayer day ever (, and Okran is absolutely livid). She prays to Sheng and is surprised to hear him reply. They chat for a bit, mostly about how Arya’s sorry and that Sheng’s forgiven her. He drops that she has a sister and she’s like ‘shiet’. Then she is interrupted by Yong Mei who came to pray. Arya thinks happy thoughts about having a sister, but is interrupted by a cry about a new sea monster. Qiang Yi arrives and is like ‘calm yo ass son whaddup’. The kraken’s existence is made known and the ship sails through the outer edge of the Saluran Mendidih to avoid it. This luckily does not destroy the ship, but it does scare off the kraken temporarily. However, a box of Vakk is tipped downstairs, and everyone knows they’re delivering mystery meat. Qiang Yi asks people to forget it, but Arya admits she can’t and wonders what they are actually transporting. Qiang Yi says he doesn’t know, but that speculation will bring mutiny and doubt to the mission. Then, after Arya leaves, Qiang Yi and Zhen-zhen talk a bit about the mission and Qiang Yi decides to move Arya’s bed away from the boxes and post guards in the cargo hold to keep her curiosity away. Qiang Yi then goes to pray to Ashalla, but realises he’s being watched by a squid after he’s done. This squid is the kraken, and Qiang Yi is first frozen in fear, but then realises the Kraken is nice after an ET finger touch. The rest of the crew panic, though, and start prepping for war. Qiang Yi tries to stop them, but can’t, and ends up taking a harpoon to the chest to stop them from harming the kraken. Luckily, servants have no organs and all he feels is agony. The crew gets scolded by Arya for panicking so easily and she offers to train them in dancing. While not everyone likes this idea, Arya blueballs them either way by saying she’ll do it later. Qiang Yi is not harmed at all and finds the kraken has camouflaged itself and disappeared when he looks back in the water again. [/hider] [Hider=Prestige] Arya: The Learner, The Martial Dancer, The Compassionate, The Wanderer +26 Prestige Starting +1 For Minor Role +1 For Major Role +1 For Following a Quest +1 For Jolly Collaboration = +30 Prestige Ending [hider=Skills/Abilities Learned] +6 Prestige on Fighting +6 Prestige on Dancing +6 Prestige on Martial Dancing. +1FP for flight. +2FP for ‘evil eyes’ ability. Causes nightmares to those that distress Arya. [/hider] [/hider]