"Ever seen one of these?" He reached into his back pocket and pulled out of small, but heavy looking gun. It was a revolver, made from dense metal. Kobae said to her,"The trigger on this thing is a lot heavy, like the gun itself." He tilted the gun sideways and downward a litle bit, then he pulled up his hand and whisked it upward fast, and then he pulled out six purple bullets. "Have either one of you seen purple led bullets? They're full of wonderfully odorless toxins. I have other bullets, all in surplus, all in color coded casings. No one turns 'em all down. If you're interested, maybe we could become a serious don't -fuck- with us clique. Inside the guild or not. Is there interest?" Kobae wanted a cigarette again, so he slipped the gun behind his back, and lit one up. He smoked a bit and threw it.