[hider=Trevor's Log] Moves: - Scratch - Growl - Ember Health: Full Health Status: None Ability: Blaze (increases fire-type moves when severely damaged) Quest: To make the first guild in this pokemon-only, yet guildess world. [/hider] [hr] The ride there could have been better... it might have just been Trevor's slight hatred for being unable to move, but it didn't exactly sit right with him. Fortunately, it was short, and the group quickly found themselves on a farm, with a group of pokemon who didn't seem too welcoming, at first. Trevor tried his best to say something, anything that might help, but he found that his words had escaped him, and on top of that, the others have already said most, if not all of what he was going to say, himself. [color=ed1c24][i]So... it's been raining for two weeks, huh? That's kind of odd. Not entirely unnatural, but not exactly normal either.[/i][/color] Trevor thought as he looked around at the other pokemon, unable to really say anything, unfortunately. It seemed to be much more safe here than in the cave, just so long as they provided for themselves, since the constant rain was having a negative effect on their crops, and thus, their food supply, and they already had quite a number of mouths to feed, as is. Trevor then remembered that he had a bunch of berries that he might be able to plant here, and since these pokemon were farmers, they'd most likely know how to make sure they grow, but, while he was showing them in his hand, he still found himself unable to really say anything to them, for some odd reason.