[center][hr][hr][img]https://image.ibb.co/hHTZ3p/pro.gif[/img][hr][color=536d78][b]Date:[/b][/color] Monday May 23rd, 2017[hr][/center] [color=ed1c24]*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.[/color] [color=536d78][b]Chicago, Illinois (Grimaldi Books):[/b][/color] Adelaide made quick work of getting her things together and gathering what she needed from the vault. This wasn't exactly what she wanted to be doing today. Granted it was never a good time to go to an old friends parents house to tell them that their son was dead but Marc and her had been best friends growing up and she had spent a lot of time over there. She knew his parents well and figured she at least owed them a visit. Plus she would want to attend his funeral. Well not want, no one wanted to go to a friends funeral but she wanted to remember his life. He was a good guy who had always been there for her. Especially when she needed someone most. Making sure everything was locked up, things were turned off, and double checking just to be sure, Adelaide made her way back into the main part of the book store and rested her things down before checking the time. Taking a breath she decided to go ahead and pack up the car. Taking everything outside and resting it by the door before turning off the lights, setting the alarm (Whatever good that did), and locking up she moved over to her SUV and started loading things in the back. Hopefully this trip to Grimm wouldn't turn out like the last. The last thing she needed was a dead ex coming out of the wood work followed by a slew of murders. (Like that would happen twice, LOL) [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House):[/b][/color] Zoie looked over towards Mali and nodded as she slipped the safety off her gun and made her way around to the side of the house. She wasn't used to staking out a place or checking into a break and enter but she had hunted enough deer growing up to know to take it slow. The knife was good for up close and personal but Zoie was a better shot than she was a stab. As her daddy used to say, she could pick the wings off a fly at 50 feet. Maybe she should have gone in the military like her sister. Ahh fuck that, Zoie was hardly the rod of the spine type of girl and didn't take orders and men yelling at her well. Things seemed calm around the house as Zoie made her way around one side and then the other before working her way towards the back. Out front everything seemed clear, the door would open without a sound, the Tinders were good about keeping things neat and tidy. Probably why Marc had gone in the FBI, he always was pretty clean cut, even as a kid. He was the type that could paint a room and not have a spot on him when he was done. Or at least he used to be. Inside though, things were not neat and tidy. The place looked pretty torn up. Not like it had been tossed but like a fight had broken out. A potted plant tipped over, foot pint int he dirt, blood splattered on the wall and drug across it, like someone's face had been drug through it. [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (Heading Towards Tinders Place):[/b][/color] Roads are as roads do. (Sorry, fucking Forest Gump). The scene is the same, save for the fact there is a single balloon just hanging there in a tree like it got stuck there but there are no kids around to have lost it. Maybe it has been there for a while? GPS out there isn't exactly the best bet - they haven't exactly gotten around to update any of the roads out there. Granted there isn't a lot of road work in Grimm but it is a bit confusing and the pair get turned around once to where they have to back track and it is taking a little longer than they would like but hey they are on the right track now and should be there shortly. Not this round but shortly. [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Sub-basement):[/b][/color] The woman stops in her struggle and that one eye just stares at Priya. Soon as a few straps were undone, the woman yanked free and rolled off the table. Backing up quickly and pressing her back to the corner of the room. Though you couldn't see most of her face it was obvious that the woman was confused and panicked. Her hands pressed against the wall, eying Priya down but she didn't make a move towards her. Instead slowly turning around and seeing the two way mirror in the room. Slowly she moved over to it and touched it where her face was. Shaking her head she reached up and touched her own face. There was a gasp as she shook her head some more. Then she started to pull the bandages from her face as she bent over, yanking and tugging at it. Ripping it off and dropping bandage after bandage on the ground in tatters. [color=82ca9d]"NoooOOOO!!!!!!"[/color] she screamed. Shaking her head and pulling at her dark hair as she wobbled on her feet. Screaming again. [color=82ca9d]"Nooooo!!!! I'm not supposed to be here! NO!"[/color] she screamed again as she looked frantically around the room, her [url=https://i.ibb.co/Tb6G0VL/maxresdefault.jpg]face[/url] finally shown. [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (Police Station):[/b][/color] Roy sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Going to the trunk of the car and grabbing a bullet proof vest and then grabbing another one, tossing it over to Cecily while she was on the phone. He didn't know what was going on but he would be damned if he got caught, or she did, without at least some form of protection. This place was sitting worse with him that Justice did and that was saying something. Grabbing a bottle of water as well he shut the trunk and climbed back in the car, turning it on and fastening his seat belt. Unscrewing the bottle of water he took a long sip of it and then capped it again. Sighing he placed it in the cup holder between them and motioned that Cecily was free to take some if she wanted. "So, learn anything?" he asked quietly, not sure if she was done with the call or not.