[center][img]https://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/tao-okamoto-vogue-china-august.jpeg[/img] [i][h2][color=chocolate]Frankie[/color][/h2][/i][/center] It didn't take much wandering for Frankie to find herself on the brighter, richer, [i]funner[/i] side of Yeojin. Neon lights flashed and enticed towards bars, restaurants, galleries... there was the smell of searing meat and crushed herbs, gasoline and drying rain on the pavement, perfumes and collognes on every over-dressed person she passed... But the [i]sounds[/i] -- Frankie could lose herself in a city as loud and layered as this. Hundreds of voices laughing, shouting, demanding attention, the satisfying hum of cars with too many cylinders, pavement crunching under their wheels, the clink of jewelry, the swish of clothes, music pounding from every other building, the sizzle of cooking food, and clank and clatter of silverwear against ceramic dishes... Frankie couldn't help the smile on her face, her pupils blown wide with glee. Energy hummed under her skin, through her blood and bones. She wanted to [i]play[/i]. There was a crowd of people lined up in front of a building half a block away, with a twin mob on the other side of the street in front of the building directly across from it. Frankie'd passed a number of groups on the sidewalk, waiting to get into this club or that. She paused though as she drew closer. She looked up at one of the buildings they were gathered before. It was tall -- at least fifty stories high, with pulsing neon lights, flashing blue then pink then purple then orange then back again, coming from the top floor and the roof. The glass bottom of a pool jutted out over the street, connecting and continuing over to the roof of the building across from it where the party seemed to continue. Daredevil swimmers -- the majority of them slender women with long hair and tiny bathingsuits -- swam over the street between the two rooftops. It wasn't this display of decadence that caught Frankie's attention, though. It was the soft hum of [i]magic[/i]. Even far away on the ground, Frankie could hear it, unmistakable in its gentle music. Her grip tightened around the tanto in her grip, knuckles turning white. Her smile turned sly. Frankie made her way towards one of the crowds. There were two bouncers, large men with earpieces and three-piece suits, standing between the crowd and the glass doubledoors of the building. One stood watch, checking people in and nodding them forward, while the other instructed hopeful partygoers to raise their arms as he waved a security wand over their bodies. Frankie stood to the side of the line (really more of an organized mob than a proper line) taking in the crowd and the bouncers with sharp eyes. Her gaze fell on a woman near the middle of the mass, wearing high stilletto heels, too much eye glitter, and a high, sleek ponytail at the top of her head. Long plastic nails tapped impatiently against her thigh as she rolled her eyes and shifted her weight from one foor to the other. There was another woman in front of her, equally made up with luscious barrel curls and a dress that barely covered her body. Her eyes were glazed over with boredom as she looked down at her phone and swiped at the screen. "...If this ho would just [i]move up[/i] and give me some damn breathing room," came a muttered voice between them. The woman with the curls froze and whipped her head around so quick her hair bounced against the heads of the people around her. "[i]What[/i] did you just call me?" she spat at Ponytail. Ponytail instinctively flinched back before narrowing her eyes. "You better check your tone with me because I didn't say nothing." Frankie smirked as she made her way forwards to the door, the argument between the two women quickly growing louder and more heated. People turned their attention to the women, people trying to get involved and break them up, or stepping in for one or the other's honor. A few more voices, a few more biting words, and soon enough it was a full blown scene. The bouncers straightened up, one staying at the door as the other lumbered forward to try and break it up. Frankie walked in an arc towards him, out of the doorman's line of focus as he watched the mob. She drew closer. The bouncer's earpiece all but exploded with feedback, the dull sound of whitenoise fed into his eardrum increasing exponentially. He doubled over, flinching in vain at the sound as he let out a sharp cry of surprise. His thick fingers fumbled at the earpiece, trying to dig it out. His eyes squeezed shut at the pain. Frankie slipped by him, through the door. The commotion behind her grew muted through the glass and Frankie walked through the brightly lit lobby, her heels giving a satisfying clack against the white marble floor that reverberated through the building. The magic was louder here. Frankie walked forward, towards a set of elevators, one of them already open with a man in a sharp crimson uniform already standing inside. Clearly, they had money to burn. "To the party, miss?" he said in a crisp voice. She smiled at him as she stepped into the elevator.