Alebard and Zalek had just been getting ready to get up and head to class for the morning when the ground began shaking. Instinctively, Alebard turned to look in the direction the shaking seemed to be coming from just in time to see Grarves barging through the doors of the cafeteria, heading straight for Albus in his normal, puppy-like manner. Alebard often found it surprising that such a large dragon could have such a puppy-ish nature, but that was hardly an issue right now as the dragon was on a collision course with Albus, who seemed to have no intention of trying to avoid what was sure to be a painful experience. Of course, all of this was made immediately worse as some jerk slid a tray right under Grarves, causing the land dragon to slip, making what would have already been a painful experience that much worse if it hadn't been for the quick actions of another summoner and his summons putting a barrier up between Albus and the sliding Grarves. After all that chaos, Alebard felt sorry for the poor land drake as it was clearly hurt, both by the tray causing it to slip and the collision with the barrier. Alebard held no fault for the boy who had made the barrier as it was probably the only thing that had kept this from being any worse that it had been, but towards the boy who had caused poor Grarves to slip in the first place, Alebard was nearly as angry as Isobel was, and if he didn't have absolute faith in Isobel's ability to handle the situation herself (though not necessarily in the best way), he would have confronted the boy on her behalf. As it turned out, though, the boy decided to make a hasty escape with a smoke bomb before Isobel could escalate the situation much more. Alebard was sure this offense wouldn't be soon forgotten, though, and he made a mental note to avoid the boy at all costs. He was clearly of the bad sort of people, and Alebard wanted nothing to do with such people. Finally, things were starting to calm down, and people were slowly resuming their usual activities. Silas bade Alebard farewell and headed out of the cafeteria. "I need to be getting to my first class myself," Alebard said in response as he also rose from his seat and headed for the exit. He made his way directly to the emerald Lyceum, and from there to Lady Ashorath's classroom, where he took his usual seat in the front row and approximately at the center of said row, immediately producing a small sheaf of papers and a pen for any notes he would need to take or any other sort of writing the class would require.