[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=SlateBlue]Athanasia Theroux[/color] [/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000A111v6FSs48/s/750/750/tpee9740-3.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=SlateBlue]Location[/color][/b] Camp Half-Blood[/center] [hr][hr] As Chiron began to explain the cabins and that they were here to be heroes, Athanasia tapped her fingers along the top of the newly dubbed 'Chatters'. For in truth, she couldn't remember another name on top of all that had been going on. Cyclops at lunch, a chariot ride in the sky via pegasi power, and now a camp where the Greek deities existed and had kids and she was one of them. Oh, plus her father was Lord of the Underworld. Skeletons popping from the earth and talking skulls. If they were heroes, what did heroes do exactly? She never really had been the sort to save damsels like in those flowery little stories. In truth, she found them boring compared to the places her mother had visited. While she wouldn't admit it, the pale girl was thankful that her only half-sibling was Arthur. She knew him, however slightly, from the horrid school so they had some common ground. Having more siblings just seemed troublesome. You'd have to keep track of who was who and doing what and everything or so she understood of siblings she had seen. It would be interesting to see how Arthur felt about the situation, but there would be time for that later. For now, best to let the tour get on with it and figure out the private family matters in private family cabin. Chiron was in truth answering more than she had asked, and missing some things she had asked but she was feeling generous after escaping the prison her step=father called 'school'. When a weasel scuttled up to sit on the blind girl, Jade's shoulder, Ash blinked and tilted her head slightly. A spellbook from what Jade said, though the weasel was... Waving a hand slightly in front of her face to dissipate the smell, Ash frowned and firmly gripped Chatter's jaw cutting his words short her other hand pressing down on his cranium. "Whew! What an st-!" Backing away slightly and glowering dangerously down at the skull, and partly wondering if it would be rude to punt into a tree, she found herself on the edge of the group next to Andy. [color=SlateBlue]"Tyst."[/color] She hissed in an undertone to the skull, the Swedish word for quiet. A word often said by her mother. She had enough to think of, especially with what Chiron explained during the winter solstice. Falling silent herself, Athanasia sorted through her thoughts, unsure what to think of that bit of news. Giving a roll of her black eyes at the skull she held firmly as muffled sound issued from the mandible, she shot Andy an apologetic look for disturbing the girl's aloneish existence.