Toki and his little group were the last to form up. The men looked around exchanging little one or two word comments to each other about everything that caught their eyes - the comments were mase in the language of the foreigners. When the tfoop came to a halt Toki and his compatriots made their way to the front, being surprisingly cautious and for the lack of a better term orderly in their advance. It took a moment for him to compose his words, but after the five men had bowed to the captains - a rare sight from such ruffians - Toki spoke out. "Captains, with your permission I would voluteer m'self and m' compatriots to deal the first blow." The man adjusted his haori as a nervous smile spread to his lips. "Would it not be best to send us with less skill to test out the enemy first? As not to dull your fine blades on the necks of the undeserving." As he spoke he unholstered his coach gun with his left hand, breaking it open with the pull of a lever and sliding two shells to the barrels while making sure the gun was pointed down at all times. "As effective tools as these foreign weapons are, they do not discern a friend from foe. Thus I would feel it be for the safety of the troop that we go in first." His voice shook slightly as he waited for an answer from the gathered captains.