[@Reflection][@King Cosmos] [@SSW] [@Manythings] [@Crusader Lord] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dEmIJ0l.png[/img] [h1][u][b]False Camelot - A Meal To Remember[/b][/u][/h1] They only returned for a bit, mainly to do a bit of work and rest behind secure walls. But before they left. Dressed in a outfit more fitting a servant or waiter, the knight that came from the Clock Tower set the round table with plate after plate. Groceries that Elaine ended up buying the day before, preserved in ice boxes, finally prepared by Noon after their return. [color=fff79a]“Hey hey, he’s cooking again. Let’s grab some and feed it to the toads."[/color] [color=c4df9b]"Y’think they’ll explode like last time? "[/color] [color=7bcdc8]“I saw one leap out of the marsh and onto the road to get squished by a truck last time!”[/color] The cackling and planning of faeries, disturbing as it was, both in their intentions and also of what they spoke of the meal. Setting aside a well folded chef’s uniform, Noon was all smiles as he both offered a plate and a glass of wine to his servant. What was presented at the very least looked fantastic. Fluffy potatoes as smooth as cream without any disturbance to its blend of yellow and white and the light sprinkling of pepper. A roast of beef coated in a crust of seared meat, herbs, and spice held a strong aroma of rosemary while blackened pan-fried slices of garlic mixed in with grains of sticky moist rice. Onions and carrots cooked until soft and sweet, almost like candy were also piled up. Local bread was offered with herbal butter, and oil mixed with vinegar with some of the garlic soaking in it. Despite the demands of Elaine that they’d go out to town and have fun for as many hours as they were out fighting in the city, and despite the work that was lined up this preparation was insisted on by the knight. Of course one had to ask how he managed to set up a kitchen. A number of exhausted faeries fluttering around, moaning and complaining might give a hint as to that. [color=f26522]“Please eat.”[/color] he said, beaming with a smile. With the face and movements of a man who couldn’t help but show a certain sort of pride despite feeling as though he were acting normal and nonchalant about things. Almost childish, not smug, nor not quite giddy, but still it was clear that on this matter he was wearing his feelings on his sleeves. Yet deserved pride came hand in hand with work as he sat down and with a wave of his hand encouraged his guests and allies to dig into the feast. ...Sitting beside the knight the fairy leaned in to whisper to him. [color=6ecff6]“Just enjoy the meal... Truth is however I cooked it. I sneak it in and replace what he makes with something edible.”[/color] She points over to a bed of wilted flowers that had been hale and beautiful only hours ago. [color=6ecff6]“I dumped it there. That sort of thing would probably do irreparable damage to even you. Just trust me, it’s something about the entire family. His dad was like that, his grandfather was like that. His great grandmother before that was like that… I think it’s some sort of curse or karmic inheritance. I just don’t get it.”[/color] The zeal was there… but the talent was just not. But whether it was a lie or not the feast being beautiful and delicious due to the covert operations of a fairy caretaker, dressing up the drab normalcy of her human ward just like any old fairy tale, was undeniable. But then as the meal came to a close... [color=f26522]“And for dessert I made a chocolate fondant cake. If you’d indulge me and bring yourselves to eat a bit more.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“W-wait, dessert? I thought you said you weren’t going to make anything because we’d be buying some sweets out in the streets!”[/color] [color=f26522]“Mhm, I thought about it and I figured that I should offer an entire full meal. Even if we’re a mixture of servants here only for a week, and magi that may become enemies I choose to bare myself fully, just as I declared Ywain’s identity.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Ah… shit.”[/color] The little girl visibly wilted, hands fidgeting as her mind went blank for a moment. Ah what was she going to do? There was no time to make a replacement. If he was serving mundane people then she could probably hypnotize them and fool them and mitigate the damage… but there was nothing she could do, nothing that could prevent the incoming catastrophe and keep her secret running through generations. The first plate was set down before Ywain. A cracking shell of chocolate somewhat dried out with pockets of caved in parts that left holes… covered up almost by a heaping pile of powdered sugar caked on like make up nevertheless showed a hint of the innard of a unsmooth grainy and mash-like melted chocolate. If one were to taste it, it’d taste like the oddest and most terrible sort of gravy and mashed potatoes. Mentally and intellectually one would register the presence of the flavor known as sweetness due to the sugar and chocolate. Yet the feeling was that of something akin to both a mash and a hardened undercooked root vegetable in weird chunks and clumps. It tasted nothing like chocolate, it tasted nothing like a dessert. In essence it was perhaps a curse materialized, a terrible weapon and a terrible existence to poison the day. This was the truth of Noon Triswich’s talent. This was the curse of those who inherited the sash. [color=6ecff6]"I-I'm full, I'm smaller than you all and I didn't know this was coming so I ate too much..."[/color] The face of the knight was a rather apparent and strong pout, sad like a puppy denied. [color=f26522]"Ah... that's ok." he said, words very clearly at odds with his feelings.[/color] Was he really not that aware of himself when it came to this topic? "Geh..." [color=6ecff6]"F-fine, I'll eat, I'll eat."[/color] The moaning of the fairy girl, and her paling of her skin would last throughout the entire day.