[@DocRock] [@Pyromaniacwolf] [@Dusksong] [hr][h3]Chapter I[/h3]"Quietly, or as best that you may muster, you collect a few fallen sticks of sturdy make, hefting them up upon a shoulder. Likewise, you find your pockets now bulging with stones, some of which are certain to make for various tools. The only cost short of time is the renewed hunger and thirst you experience, to be expected after an ordeal as your own which has taxed much of your body. Upon your return to the spring, another few precious gulps of water on mind, you note nothing seems to have intruded on this place even now, leading you and your heart to a sigh of relief. Perhaps you had more blessings than deserved or expected yet whatever the case, fortune smiled on you." "Setting aside your assortment of goods, those natural and wrought by the hands of man, you enjoy some time at the spring to drink and recover your strength. Perhaps now would be a good time to revisit the book? Its mysterious have called to you time and again, and there is certainly no rushing the recovery of your stamina after at least a half day spent in the wake of a flaming sea."