[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#9370DB]Gene Benaszewski[/color] & [color=00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.postimg.cc/C5TXWPzW/giphy.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Athribis [b]Skills:[/b] [color=00ccff]Decipher hieroglyphics, Cryptography, Mathematics[/color] [hr][/center] [color=00ccff]"I shall see, though I have an inclination that they will shed some light on these matters..."[/color] Nora informed Mahendra. She quickly sketched and jotted down some notes as she inspected the hieroglyphics, comparing to previous work she had done in order to try to find some sort of hidden meaning. It was fortunate that she was a mathematician, especially given that they had lost Peter, since she was able to find several numbers of significance. [color=00ccff]"The number forty-five is key - which I believe corresponds to the number of tiles..."[/color] she said softly, allowing the others to more or less follow her work as she went. [color=00ccff]"The numbers seventy and twenty-eight are also significant..."[/color] Her eye was drawn to the circular carving which had numbers one through forty-five present, though it was a jumbled mess. While the mathematician was at work, Gene wasn't about to just stand around and watch. Her gut was telling her that there had to be some sort of hidden lever or [i]something[/i] here - and she certainly wasn't going to find it if she did nothing! As she searched, she noticed that when she touched one of the stones, it moved slightly. [color=#9370DB]"Wicked,"[/color] Gene said, adding a bit more pressure and the stone started to slide. She glanced upwards at the almost mechanical clicking sound, before she lowered her head slightly and caught Belladonna's eye. There was a slight pang of guilt that filled her as the hole opened in the ground and Belladonna fell, but Gene was confident that Belladonna could survive that. Belladonna was a woman of mystery and had many hidden talents. [color=00ccff]"...No one touch any of the stones..."[/color] Nora said quietly, her eyes wide as she stared at where Belladonna had been. She had just been thinking that maybe the stones could be manipulated and rearranged, and practically a second later, there had been clicking noises and Belladonna fell. She didn't dare to take more than slight breaths, the fear of more of the floor giving out and sending them to their deaths momentarily paralyzing her. While she was certain that this was all connected, they had already lost people and she did not want to add to that. She hoped desperately that Belladonna was alright, but she feared that the drop would have been significant - there was no telling how deep or shallow it was without placing some light down there, but... Her instincts told her they would have heard Belladonna if it had been only a slight drop. Gene wasn't sure whether to laugh or gasp as the Lord Major then jumped into the hole. There was no calling out for Belladonna to see if she was okay, no shedding a bit of light with the torch into the hole, no dropping a rock to estimate the depth, nothing! [color=#9370DB]"Well, you know what they say... Bravery is another word for stupidity,"[/color] Gene mused. Maybe it wasn't the appropriate time for humor but that was the sort of person she was. And if this did kill the Lord Major, well, it was his reckless choice. Gene had to pause for a moment, amused that she was criticizing someone for being reckless. Was this how some of her people back home felt about her? Gene then held out a hand for the Lord Major, in an attempt to help to pull him back up. She was skinny and small, but she wasn't about to leave him hanging and she figured some of the others would chip in as well. [hider=Roll Request - Gene]Character current location: Athribis, not following Belladonna :P Characters attempted actions: Gene is going to try to help the Lord Major out of the hole Any and all skills being used: N/A Why each skill is being called: N/A Desired location of the character: Athribis, not following Belladonna[/hider]