[center][h1]Warren Darley[/h1] [h2]Lord of Castle Darley[/h2] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/70/77/057077bb9fcc685eb73c77178b712a02.jpg[/img] [/center] Age: 19 Personality: Warren was once a carefree child, simply enjoying his sword-fighting lessons and playing games with his younger siblings. Whenever he's with allies, family, or friends, he becomes quiet, simply letting them to discuss tactics, matters of court, or whatever else they may be speaking about. On the other hand, with people he doesn't trust, he'll put on a mask. He becomes boisterous, excitable, and seems obsessed with his own self importance. Bio: Warren was born out of a loving relationship between his mother and father. While most relationships in the kingdom of Westeros were simply arranged and a cold, unfeeling affair, his parents deeply loved each other. They would do anything for the other, and this love was the same for his children. His father would do his best to teach Warren to be just and fair so that, one day, he would become just as great a lord as his father. While the Darley were not a significant house originally, his father made them one of the most prominent players in the North. It was because of this newfound power that King Aerys had to get rid of him. He accused them of false claims of treason, and ordered Warren's father arrested. They stormed the fort, and while the household guard did their best to hold them off, they killed Warren's parents. Warren, at the young age of 14, was named the new Lord of Castle Darley. [hider=House Darley] [center][h2]"Be Just, And Fear Not."[/h2] [img]https://usercontent2.hubstatic.com/5573305.png[/img] [/center] [/hider] King Aerys, or Robert Baratheon: Like most of the North, his house supports Robert's rebellion. Father: James Darley III, executed by the Mad King Aerys Targaryen. Mother: Adabelle Bathurst, executed by the Mad King Aerys Targaryen, along with her husband. Sons: None. Daughters: None. Brothers: - Albert Darley, 14 years old. - Goodwin Darley, 8 years old. Sisters: - Ansley Darley, the twin of Albert Darley, 14 years old. Other notable members of house: - Head of guard Raleigh Holland, 33 years old. Equipment: - A suit of leather and plate [url=https://i.etsystatic.com/16211043/r/il/32beec/1440788924/il_794xN.1440788924_bu12.jpg]armor[/url] that focuses upon protection of the arm and legs. -Occasionally wears a [url=https://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/PRODUCT/large/DS-1725_1_.png]helmet[/url]. - A simple valyrian steel [url=http://www.lukasmaestlegoer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/16299499_1374883655897638_8040525968637539283_n.jpg]longsword[/url] with a red [url=http://artofswordmaking.com/public/photos/original/dragonslayer_014-1549719381.jpg]scabbard[/url]. - A large black warhorse named "Louen". Clothing: - A simple black [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5f/72/ef/5f72ef496388d0b2a1f123edb60534b9.jpg]tunic[/url] with his family's sigil of a dog, as well as black trousers and black boots. He wears a fur cloak when outdoors to keep himself warm. -----Optional----- Extra Info: Sometimes carries a valyrian steel dagger. Theme Song: None.