[center][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color] Level 4 - (18/40) EXP Location: Peach's Castle Dining Hall Word Count: 1270 [/center] Blazermate, having completed her teleporter project with Ratchet, spent the rest of her day just observing everyone as they went about exploring the castle. The bread monster she had created, after relaxing in Blazermate's hands, decided to dart off and play in the garden with the pokemon. It was surprising how well the Pokemon were taking to the little cancerous looking bread thing, they'd chase each othr and no pokemon looked like they'd eat the thing, nor did the bread seem to care or degrade due to the elements. It was interesting to say the least. There wasn't much left of the day, so besides overlooking the map Magikoopa had brought and chatting a bit with a few other members she didn't know much about, she spent most of the time reflecting on absorbing this engineer spirit of hers. While she did enjoy being able to pull and construct buildings out of thin air, while also being able to repair and tweak various objects, she wasn't too keen on this needing to breath thing. Sure she still didn't need food at all, but the occasional breath behind her faceplate out of what was her speaker just felt so unnatural. Plus the whole accent change, making her much less cute, really irked her. Yeah, she could adapt well to the changes that were made, but that didn't mean she didn't like them. If anything, she'd have preferred to keep her old cuter accent and word mannerisms. The breathing thing, while it felt unnatural, was at least automatic, and she didn't need to do it that often. Plus the overalls she was wearing thanks to this spirit just... didn't match her schoolgirl physic at all. Hopefully when she got a new spirit that'd go away, and maybe whatever spirit it was would give her a nice cuter accent than this... cowboy... accent. While she was pondering all this, everyone else was heading off to sleep, Bowser being too big to sleep in any beds so he just slept on the floor. Blazermate, deciding there wasn't much to do, decided to take a little power down in the throne room as well. While Medabots technically didn't need to sleep it was a nice way to do any repairs, collect your thoughts, and just rejuvinate yourself for the next day. Little did Blazermate know that she actually did require sleep because of this engineer spirit, although the 4-6 hour power down seemed to be enough to mitigate that. The next morning Peach came out, giving all sorts of announcements and whatnot. The box announcement was interesting, although she wondered how she'd gain Zenny in this universe, or what kind of things were even used as currency. Bowser seemed to know the most about this sort of thing, or at least Blazermate hoped so considering he was a king after all. However, when Steven came out and explained all those weird animals that the Courier seemed to love to mess around with, she had some issues with it. The whole pokemon thing kind of rubbed her the wrong way, even though it was a similar system to what she was used to. Still, at least Medabots were never put into tiny balls unlike these pokemon animal things, which looked very uncomfortable no matter what Steven said. But having lived in their shoes, even though her situation was far better than theirs, gave Blazermate more insight into what was wrong with the practices than the others. Still, if there was a strong or powerful pokemon that she could capture and control, especially if it would be a threat to everyone if it wasn't under control, she would put her reservations aside and capture it. While she was deciding her morals on the whole pokemon thing, the Courier seeming to be in absolute love with the whole concept and a few others being alright with it, Tora came up to Blazermate to ask if everything was alright and to inquire about the teleporter thing. [color=0072bc]"Oh, I guess I'm fine? Not a fan of this here cowboy vernacular and accent, its not cute. Was just thinking to msyelf is all. Oh, and the teleporters are up and running. Speaking of which..."[/color] Blazermate said. Thinking to herself, she moved a bit away from Tora and threw down one of the teleporter platforms off in a corner of the throne room. She then spent a minute hitting it with her fist to upgrade it to its maximum potential. With that errand finished, she went back to Tora. [color=0072bc]"There, if we ever run into trouble, we can just head back here in an instant. Although somethin' tells me that if someone else could teleport us all, I could use these as nasty weapons."[/color] Thankfully the castle seemed like it'd be well defended, with all the characters that called it home such as the pokemon and the toads, especially since they could just send loot through the teleporter to arm the castle. Most notably the master of masters character, who seemed to be more of an advisor anyway. Blazermate still didn't like how the man didn't have any eyes or any facial features of note, but he was super nice and helpful so she figured the guy deserved some rest. He had tons of issues trying to journey with the party as it was, so maybe helping around the castle was just more his thing. Since she was a bit slow on the uptake of Steven's offer, there weren't many pokeballs left after Jr. 6, Linkle, and Din took theirs so she decided to take only one for the meantime just for emergencies. Someone who was more interested in capturing pokemon could take the remaining two from the man. Thanking Steven, she decided there wasn't much left for her to do besides get ready for their inevitable roadtrip, and thus she made her way outside. Blazermate gestured to Tora to follow her as she made her way to the vehicles outside where Bowser and most of the gang had gathered. Finding spots for her buildings was tough, as only the Bowsermobile, a car that was sort of in Bowser's likeness, seemed like it could fit one. Bowser was sitting in the driver's seat, while there were a few other smaller carts in the area, although most looked like one or two seat affairs unlike the big monster car that bowser was driving. Hearing Bowser talk about what was ahead due to Kamek coming down from the sky and reporting at what was ahead, Blazermate decided her Sentry was far more important to keep on wheels. So she started to construct one on the trunk-like platform in the back. It didn't take her too long to upgrade it to its max level, and it would give a bit of protection as the team moved through the area, shooting down anything galeem influenced as they got near. Upon finishing her work, she made her way over to Bowser to explain what she had done. [color=0072bc]"Hey big boy. I put up a sentry in the back of your car there. It'll shoot at any hostiles should they get close like those galeem carts ahead. I don't got room for a Dispenser or Teleporter though, so if we need those I'll need to make them as we move along."[/color] Thankfully the Sentry gun was fairly quiet in comparison to the roaring engine of the Bowsermobile, so it didn't make any noise that'd annoy the king koopa or his robed companion until it started firing at things. Deciding she should be near her building to keep it repaired and filled up, Blazermate found a spot on the Bowsermobile to sit securely and waited for the others.