I'm interested and read you were accepting applicants again. I just got a few questions about the role play and a possible character concept before I fill out a character sheet. So, I was wondering about a Demon character. But before you all start yelling and bullying me, at least hear me out. I do not plan for some demon who resembles Satan. Definitely not some lord of Hell. I'm trying to make it as balanced as I can while retaining some Demonic flair. So, I'm not sure how much Demon Lore has been explored in the RP itself, so I'll just put forward my concept. If it doesn't match the lore, I'll work on something else. Full disclosure, this is based pretty heavily on the game [url=https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Demon:_The_Fallen]Demon: The Fallen[/url] by White Wolf Publishing. I also concede that while demons may be a thing, they may be separate to [url=https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Demon_(DTF)]Fallen[/url]. I guess that's enough procrastinating. I better get onto my actual character concept proposal. So, the general gist is that Demons/Fallen are spiritual beings that bind to a host that is has a weak soul. Normally someone close to death. The binding reeks havoc on a Demon/Fallen's mind. The extent of the damage varies. Some Demons/Fallen don't even know what they are. Its the mixing of memories and emotions that ruin the Demon/Fallen's mind. It is this mental trauma (so to put it) that protects the Demon/Fallen from the torment of Hell. So, generally, if you read the links about Demon/Fallen I have already used, you should understand how it works. Be aware though that I intend on playing as not knowing that he is Fallen. Starting out with limited to no lores, and without access to the Apocalyptic Form.