[center][h1]K A L O N[/h1][/center] [@josephb] Kalon noticed the lack of noise first. Then he smelled the smoke. And then his eyes fell upon the burnt remains of the village as they drew closer. While there were still four houses left standing, Kalon was not put at ease. If anything his paranoia only grew even more as the others in his group began to spread out and explore the village, looking for any trace of the people who lived here or any clue as to what may have happened to them. With a low growl, Kalon cast a Guard spell upon himself, causing a faint bluish shield to form around his body before seemingly fading into nothingness. Shifting into a more adaptive stance, Kalon summoned up small balls of orange flame in either hand as he warily gazed at the surrounding woods for any sign of an ambush. It may have seemed an overly cautious or foolish thing to do in the eyes of the casual observer, but it paid off a few minutes later after Justin quickly dispatched an imp that was feasting on the corpse of an Imperial woman, when the thunderous sounds of footfalls echoed throughout the forest around them. A sound that was immediately followed by the whizzing of arrows and thrums of bowstrings as a volley of dark arrows were launched at him an the others in his group, one even managing to embed itself into some poor sods neck, causing him to go down a few seconds later. Taking cover behind the ruined husk of a nearby building as several arrows bounced off of his shield, Kalon watched as several armored Daedra surged out of the forest and rushed towards them. Ducking out of cover for a bit, Kalon launched a small fireball at one of the creatures, sending it flying backwards a couple of feet, but other than that it did next to no damage. Kalon scoffed underneath his mask and shook his head at his own foolishness. Of course a fire spell wouldn't have done anything. These were Daedra after all, and from the orangish black design of their armor, they hailed from the Deadlands. Mehrunes Dagon's plane of Oblivion. Which meant that casting a fireball at one of them was about as useful as casting a bucket of water at the ocean. Moving back behind cover, Kalon dispelled the orbs of flame and replaced them with a Hailstorm spell, wreathing his hands in an icy aura. Rolling back out of cover while simultaneously readying the spell, Kalon quickly leapt to his feet as he came to a stop and cast the spell, causing a storm of cold and frost to envelope the Daedra, slowly freezing them within their hellish looking suits of armor until they were nothing more than vaguely man shaped blocks of ice that softly glistened even though the suns light was completely obscured by the dark grey clouds overhead. Smirking underneath his mask, Kalon brushed the dirt from his robes as he went to aid the other members of his group. Not out of genuine desire to keep them from seeing harm, but rather out of a desire to keep them intact enough for future use.