[hider=N.O.V.A. Profile: Relka Nyx] [center] [img]https://cdn.idolnetworth.com/images/48/grace-phipps.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name: [/b]Relka Nyx [b]Alias:[/b] Shadowbroker [b]Age[/b] 27 [b]Gender [/b]female [b]Appearance[/b] 5'6/173lbs Alabaster white skin/black hair halfway down back/bluish grey eyes eyes [b]Notoriety:[/b] Wanted [b]Class/Level: |[/b] class 6/red [b]Abilities |[/b] Umbrakinesis: Relka has full mastery of darkness and shadows. Able to create any number of melee weapons her mind can think of. Shadow Travel: Relka can travel through any shadows. While moving like this, she has no tangible form, she cannot harn or be harmed by any other person or thing. She can only travel through shadows that are connected to each other. She can be knocked out of this form if there are no shadows to move in. Darkform: Relka coats herself in darkness and becomes a living shadow. Her speed and strength are slightly increased and she takes on an almost demonic appearence. Light weakness: Relka is extremely susceptible to extreme light. If she is exposed to any high concentration of light (i.e. a flood light) she cannot use her abilities effectively, or at all. [Gear] [b]Attire |[/b] Relka dresses in a punk rock/goth atire. Favoring a laid back casual look that many mistake for a slacker lifestyle. She favors black clothing, skater shoes. But has been known to clean up if the situation requires. [b]Armament/Equipment |[/b] Relka is a minimalist. Relying a lot on her abilities for weapons and defense. Though has been known to carry a dagger and pistol in case her abilities are nullified. [Temperament & Lifestyle] [b]Affiliation |[/b]: None [b]Alignment |[/b]: Hellion [b]Personality/Habits |[/b]: Relka has a laidback, carefree attitude, most people who don't know her would view her as lazy and childlike, almost aloof. Her overall attitude is flippant and sarcasstic, used as a means to keep distance from people. She is extremely cavailer when it comes to human life. [b]Occupation/Trade |[/b] Assassin/info broker [b]Skills/Talents |[/b] Stealth/assassination/intelligence gathering. [b]Family |[/b] Relka is an only child and hasnt seen her family in years since her abilities manifested. [b]Background |[/b] Relka was always a distant little girl growing up, she never had any real friends and the other kids were okay with that, no one wanted to get to know the quiet weird girl. By middle school she had come out of her shell enough to get to know some people,, though she always kept them at arms length. By highschool she felt like she had learned all she could from social interaction, even had a few boyfriends and girlfriends. But when her powers manifested she became a periah in her town. She was thrown out of her very anti-variant parents. After living on the street until 18, she joined N.O.V.As M.A.D department and was trained in espionage, intelligence gathering, and assassination. She excelled in her work, she was both praised and condemned for her work. She excelled in all her missions, but she held care for human life and where ever she went, bodies would be found be they variant or human. After Variants were discontinued in M.A.D. Relka escaped and refused to reregister her I.D. instead she went underground, adopted the name The Shadowbroker and became an infobroker that is highly regarded as always reliable. And has even been talked into assassination work still, as long as your ok with a high body count... [/hider] @artifex