hi there! my name is spooky, i’m 22, female. super chill, go with the flow type of gal. i'm going to keep this pretty short and simple: i'm looking for a Game of Thrones roleplay. i've seen all seasons (yikes) and plan to read the book soon. i'm specifically looking for someone to roleplay Jon Snow against my oc, and i can play anyone for you! i also do canon pairings, so don't be afraid to ask me about them. [b]- basics - [/b] - doubling, oc x canon (for fandoms) unless said otherwise. - full sentences, 3rd person. - i can write anywhere from two to ten paragraphs, just depends. - multiple replies a day/few times a week. If life gets in the way, I get it, just let me know and i'll do the same. - long term. - i ask that you're over 18. - I am willing to do separate roleplay, if you did a fandom of my choosing and I’ll do whatever fandom you wish! - tell me what you want to roleplay when you contact me, a little about you, etc.