Now Playing: [url=]Beautiful Dead[/url] [@Nerevarine] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] Georgia’s question is answered by a chuckle, one resonating behind her as Asher finally found his own way into the kitchen. He gives a nod of acknowledgement to the Moogles and other associates within the kitchen before proceeding to answer her questions, beginning with the one pertaining to Hirutila. “If you would like, milord, I do have another earring to spare.” He takes out the case that holds the remaining two, popping it open and withdrawing the diamond-shaped Earring of Whisper, displaying it to him. He debriefs Hirutila of the accessory’s capabilities, giving a rundown of how it works, and how to activate it should he choose to accept it. Asher then looks back over to Georgia, smirking as the second question of hers came to mind. “Yes, in fact, I do know how to pierce ears. Why, it just feels like yesterday that I was…” he pauses, frowning at his sudden inability to recall what he perceived to be a fond memory. That break in his generally cheerful facade quickly repairs itself as he clears his throat. “Hehe, I just hope you don’t mind the odd needle.” He replies, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “About my request earlier..well, I’m game to have that conversation any time you wish. Perhaps we can have it over an ear piercing?” He chuckles once more, oddly finding comfort in such an idea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Location: Ongoing World War II - Paris[/b] [@Ryteb Pymeroce] Zane could feel the girl shivering within his arms. Morgan was still incapacitated, the Sleep spell having done a number on her, but, her body was involuntarily reacting to the sudden external drop in temperature, struggling to maintain a proper balance.