Hmm. I’m starting to think things might be easier for the whole sibling vs. her thing if it turns out Anora’s adopted. xD Unless you have a reason for that. Can’t remember if I’d initially intended her to be since it's been such a long time since I wrote that up for her, but I have her bio set up pretty perfectly for that. (Do need to change an age/year-passage in her bio, though, that doesn’t line up. And should probably give it a quick edit, especially depending on what’s decided on this front. Is there a certain number of years she would have had her powers for? I have it on there she's had them for about nine years, I believe, so thought I should ask.) But that means that, with the way I’ve been playing it, she wouldn’t actually know. She’s trying to figure that out for herself, though, at this point, so let me know what would work best in the long run for your story? And if I should probably edit anything this time around. Heh. Right?! Though, I’d probably be one of the first ones to die in an SAO situation. At least it’d be an epic death, though. :lol Ah, gotchya. Yeah, it’s odd they didn’t release the complete set for that on both systems. I’d think they would, since they did that with KH3. But anyway. PlayStation fan all the way, on my end. Thanks much! ^.^ Ugh, it’s stupid that people do that. I hope you do get to try something crafty someday! It’s a lot of fun. Even if you suck at it, all that matters is that you enjoyed it! Yeah, I make things for friends and family all the time. Sometimes even when I don’t, it gets gifted anyway to keep out clutter. I do a lot of sewing, but dabble in other things, with claywork also being a big one for me. If you’d like a starting suggestion, clay’s pretty easy to get started with, I think, and there are a crapton of beginner tutorials out there on YT. Hey, some cosplays are made to take a beating. xD But gotchya. That’s neat it’s for an OC! And that’s technically still cosplay, just an OC cosplay. ;-) “Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out.” You can’t truly become a really good writer without reading a lot, that’s for sure! :-) “An innocently neurotic dude.” That’s just fantastic. :lol Needless to say, good assumption. Heh. Oh, I didn’t think you did! First bit was just me messing around. Second was in case she decided to go off and do something super stupid she couldn’t actually get out of. xD And I’m excited to see more scenes with your guys, and to get to know more about them! Especially since they’re apparently about to have another problem added with that last little scene shift.