[center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/8926851b8ec458a49aa78b5ed202dcff/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so3_640.png[/img][/center] [@Crusader Lord][@t2wave] Su had every advantage she could possibly want in this fight. She was more experienced than her opponent, stronger than her opponent, and if Sophia trying to yell into a hurricane was any indication, far smarter as well. The land mines detonated as soon as they touched the debris in her storm,which were carried past Su into the sky. The ship’s “surprise” Appearance was hardly that. The wind and Su were one, and she could feel it traveling over the ship as it started to appear. Su immediately gained altitude to put herself above her new opponent. And there they stood, Su inside her twister, and Sophia by her ship. Su might have been a new magical girl, but as a familiar she had been around for a while. She had seen all sorts of sights with Boteg, and knew the difference between a ship that was created by a girl’s magic, and one that was her patron. If Su wasn’t so upset, she might have laughed at the patron coming to aid the pirate in such a direct manner. That would be like an emperor personally showing up to assist the army, It made the patron look embarrassingly inadequate. Boteg might have been a coward, but he would never humiliate Su by attempting to personally save her in a fight. Especially not at the first sign of danger. The worst part was that it didn’t change anything. Su could just push forward and pull the ship into her storm. By the time the cannons adjusted for her position, she’d have eradicated the two of them. But the situation had changed. The reason why Su attacked Sophia was because Su suspected the horror in the sky had managed to turn Amber into an evil magical girl. It was that small chance that she could be wrong that was making her fight so [i]defensively.[/i] Even if it wasn’t at the forefront of Su’s mind, she wouldn’t kill Sophia if she couldn’t prove she was legitimately evil. Su let Justine go, after all. And if Su could spare the person who killed her only friend, then she could spare a magical girl who had yet to really show what she was made of. The ship’s appearance revealed the the girl’s true nature. Sophia was the product of a vulture. A grave robber. A third party that took advantage of Amber’s vulnerable corpse. Su’s fight wasn’t with the magical girl, it was with the unseen patron. Su was confident she could split her storm and demolish the ship on either side of Sophia. She was prepared to do this before she got a transmission… When trying to talk people out of doing something, it’s 20% how you say it and 80% who says it. Boteg could just say “stop” and get Su to obey. But Jenna did have that luxory. Su looked over her shoulder at the newly arrived. The way she was talking was like she knew Amber at a time. It was evident to Su that Jenna wasn’t just prodding through her memories. Even the best psychic girls would need more than a few seconds to know what was going on here, as evident as her rage was. Su’s strong magical potency also made her resistant to such things. Clearly something was off. She knew more than she should. The storm faded away as Su glided to Jenna’s position. She had her back to the ship, but was prepared to shift as soon as it tried to fire at her. [color=PeachPuff]”I’m sorry, do I know you?”[/color] Su’s wings flexed and bent in the wind. [color=PeachPuff]”I can’t say I ever remember seeing you. You’re talking about what Amber would want, yet I’ve known her for the entirety of her magical girl life.”[/color] Her lower lip was quivering. [color=PeachPuff]”I know her favorite color, her favorite places to eat, her dreams, what makes her insecure, what makes her happy, and I know all of her friends. But with all that I know, I haven’t seen you once.”[/color] Her voice was cracking. [color=PeachPuff]”So who are you? What makes you think you can tell [i]me[/i] what Amber would want?”[/color] Even though Su had stopped her attack, she was pulling a tremendous amount of mana into herself. The ground under Su was cracking under the pressure.