[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GMbv6kg.jpg[/img][/center][hr]No sooner had she made her call had Lizzie arrived to give an introduction. The first thing Katie noticed was of course the massive duffel bag dropped to the floor. She could hear the clatter of metal inside it and gave the other girl a concerned look. [color=powderblue]“Er, what are those?”[/color] She had an idea of what they were, but it did well to comfort her if Lizzie confirmed the contents herself. Weren’t there regulations about bringing firearms to a public space anyway? In any case, Daichi took control of the situation, informing them of their lack of a boat driver before Kirk seemed to offer up his own services. Katie didn’t have protest against that and so left with the rest of the group when it was time to depart. It took some time but the group had finally managed to arrive at their destination. A Rift, large and defying all physics of reality, stared back at them like an endless void. Once all was said and done, Katie entered with the rest of the group. Immediately, she came to regret her decision. A frown slowly formed on her lips as she took all that they were to traverse and cross. The shack they balanced on looked precarious enough and could fall out any second. They would have landed right into the muddy waters below if it did. [color=powderblue]“Ugh…maybe I should have chosen better shoes to wear today,”[/color] Katie remarked to herself, not wanting to wade in that brackish sea. [hr] [center][@KoL], [@Vesuvius00], [@HereComesTheSnow], [@PKMNB0Y][/center]