It was midday when a royal carriage entered the village on the day before Eliezer would leave for his trip to Sorene. The folk watched the vehicle in surprise as it made its way past them and several houses and establishments, not expecting a visit from a member of the royal family. There were many gasps and whispers among the people, who wondered where the carriage would stop, who was in it, and for what business it was at the village. Those were soon answered when the vehicle slowed to a stop near the orphanage before Eliezer and a palace maid alighted with two guards. Seeing the crown prince, nearby villagers immediately dropped what they were doing to acknowledge him as he made his way to the front door of the orphanage with the maid trailing after him, though, the guards that flanked both him and Robynne kept the people from getting within five feet of them. Eliezer respectfully returned the greetings of the villagers, while back at the parked carriage, a couple more guards were handing out gifts from the royal family. Everyone watching figured that the prince had come to see the children of the village. One of the guards accompanying Eliezer and Robynne carried a basket filled with more gifts. Eliezer nodded to the other guard, signalling for him to knock on the door. The prince lifted a bouquet of moonflowers from the basket to present to his lady, remembering that the plant held a significance for her, while his maid waited behind him to greet whoever would answer the door.